Hi Folks I had a lumpectomy and nodes removed 4 years ago and was diagosed Her2 and hormone negative and therefore I have received no further treatment. 2 weeks ago my Dr diagnosed sciatica could not take any further pain and went to A&E. They found a hairline fracture and since then I have had a bone scan and ct scan. Nurse phoned today and asked me in on Monday to see onc. She told me that I did have cancer in the hip by Monday my oncologist would have further info.
Of course I am thinking the worse and imagining that it has travelled further.I am sure that many have gone down the same track. It is going to be a long week end
Dear marion24,
I am sorry you are going through such a tough time. I am sure other forum members will soon be along to offer support.
Please remember you can also phone the Helpline for a “listening ear” and support. They will be open tomorrow from 9.00- 2.00pm. The number is 0808 800 6000
Take care
Very best wishes
BCC Facilitator
Hi marion,
I’m so sorry to read this.
I do have bone mets in hip, but was caught “early” before it caused a fracture. I know a few ladies on the site had a hip replacement or will have one because it was either fractured or affected badly. Hope they’ll see your post and come along to give a few more comments than me.
Hope you are on some sort of painkiller to help you through the weekend. And hope your onc have got something to sort this out asap.
Take care xx
Hi Marion,
Really sorry to hear that you are joining the 2ndaries group. Mine was first found because I had sciatica as well - but not because I had a fracture. Right from the start it was found to have spread extensively through my bones but not elsewhere. I think there are quite a few of us here with ‘only’ bone mets - and some have had that dx from a fracture like you. By the way mine was found 8 years ago. I know when they first broke the news to me I really thought I had little time left and the the very least would be in a wheelchair!! I am sure once they make you more comfortable with bisphosphonate drugs, and maybe some radiotherapy to the painful area and whatever is needed for the fracture to make it stable you will feel so much better. Stay with us all here and ask whatever you need to. I am sure the others will be along soon as well. Friday nights seems to be a bit quieter than other nights.
Hello Marion, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and bone mets together when my hip spontaneously fractured. I was out in the middle of a busy street, I didn’t fall over but was frozen to the spot, I suddenly could not move at all. The ambulanceman said it was probably sciatica but after x-rays the fracture was diagnosed. I had a very succesful hip replacement, was off crutches very quickly and walk well, no pain, no walking sticks needed. All this happened seven years ago, in 2003. Good Luck with your appointment Monday. Love Belinda…xx
Hi Marion,
Hope this weekend passes quickly for you, I know the wait is awful.I was dx with bone mets this March, like you I had the weekend to stew before seeing my onc. They put a plan together quite quickly though and I’m now on Femara had some rads and have started on bisphosphonates.
This site has really helped me,the ladies on here are great, a great encouragement and source of info and of course most importantly when you have secondarys they are a great proof that life goes on!
You will be in my thoughts and prayers this weekend. Hope you’re appt goes well on Monday.Do let us know how you get on when you feel up to it. And do keep using this site it really is a great support.
Love Julie x
Hello Marion, I’m sorry that you have had this news. Hopefully the weekend will pass quickly. Waiting is so very hard.
I have bone mets too. Mine started with what I thought was Sciatica too.
I wish you well for Monday.
Paula x
Hi Marion
Sorry to hear that you may have to join us here! I too am new to all of this since being diagnosed with bone mets in April. It is a shock at first and you have definately done the right thing in coming on here.
I don’t think that I would have coped without the support of Ladies on here. I notice that Dawn and Belinda have already responded, their stories in particular, (along with fantastic messages of support from lot of others)really inspired me and changed my opinion from bone mets being terminal to being more like a critical illness that just needs managing.
What helped me was reading as many stories as possible of people living for many years with bone mets…up to 15?
Keep us all informed about how you get on on Monday.
Take care
Nicky xx
Hi Marion
Like Nicky when I was first diagnosed with bone mets the responses from women like Dawn and Belinda really helped me get things in perspective and gave me hope. Hope the weekend is passing ok for you - we all understand what the waiting is like.
Wishing you all the best for Monday.
Lots of love Anne x
Hi Marion
I also have a bone met in the spine, found at initial bc dx in Nov 09. It is currently being blasted with RT. I think nearly all us bone met ladies are on biophosphates, which are very effective and tolerable, with fairly minor se’s (for me, anyway). My onc also told me that some bc’s just like to stay in the bones - this seems to be borne out by the number of ladies here whose bc doesn’t seem to have spread beyond the bones after quite a long time. I hope we will all be in that category.
I am sorry you have had to join us - but a bone met diagnosis isn’t nearly as bleak as it might seem at first. My onc seems really quite positive about it, and says it is increasingly possible for people to live out their normal life span with bone mets.
Let us know how you get on tomorrow - good luck.
finty xxx
I was told about 14% of those of us with bone mets never go on to develop other organ spread. I’m not complacent that I’m a 14% girl as I do know others have gone on to develop other mets after 10+ years but just happy to still be here and feeling so well. It’s good to hear an Onc saying it’s possible to live out a normal life span. I was diagnosed with my mets in my early 40’s so after seeing, to my surprise, my 50th birthday I’m now aiming to see my 60th…I’ve got quite a way to go and I never used to dare be so hopeful but what’s to lose?
Here’s to good treatments and better health for us all…x
Hi Marion
Good luck today with your results and I hope the news is as good as possible, having been told you do have bone mets in the hip. I too have bone mets, dx 2 years ago and, like many ladies on here, am leading a full life. It is incredibly upsetting when you are given that dx but this forum has shown that life does go on. I’m also hoping to be in that 14% but who knows, so for now I make sure I enjoy every moment that I can
Nicky x
Hi Marion,
I am sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis and have put for you below links to a couple of BCC’s publications which you may find useful.
Secondary resource pack:
Secondary to the bone:
Also you may be interested in joining in the secondary live chat, we now run two sessions for this, Tuesday evenings 8.30pm to 9.30pm and Thursday lunch time 11.30am to 12.30pm the live chat link is below.
I hope you find some of this helpful. Take care.
Jo, Facilitator
Hi Marion
Sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis. I was diagnosed with spread to bones in June 2008 after original dx in 2003. No spread to organs other than a suspect lump on my spleen that they didn’t even tell me about until it had shrunk after chemo. I was given radiotherapy and was put on herceptin/chemo & bisphosphonates and managed to go almost a year before my hip fractured. I had a hip replacement this time last year and things are soooo much better now than they were. Like Belinda I don’t have to use crutches, although I do use a stick sometimes, especially in icy weather like we had this year. I have some persistent pain in my back but other than that I feel really well. Even managed to do some walking in Keswick recently which was so gratifying. I have every intention of being around for a very long time … still only 44 … not ready to go anywhere yet!
Wishing you well with your treatment plan. I can remember being all at sea emotionally after the news and panicked a lot for a few months but I did settle into it and now try not to think about the C*. Life is for living.
Best wishes.
Hi Folks Thank you for all your comments went to hospital today and have been told that I have cancer in the liver.
I have been offered two chemos to choose from and wondered if any one
has had to make the same choice. They are carboplatin and gencitabine
My onc wants to get the liver sorted before going to fracture of hip but in the meantime I am on steroids which should help the hip.
The frightening thing is when he mentions the hospice in the area and then he went on to tell me at the present time this was to help me fill in forms and tablet pain control. My daughter in Australia has taken it well and has promised not to be on the next plane. Look forward to receiving your comments Love Marionxx
Hi Marion,
Sorry to hear that you now have another area to worry about
I can’t help you on the liver mets but just wanted you to know that I’m thinking of you. There are many of here who will come along later and give you good news stories about how long they have been treated for liver mets in the same way that people on bone mets did. Many of them being the same people. There are a couple of threads running which might answer some of the questions that you have.
You are possibly feeling that you have been bombarded with bad news, I always leave the hospital feeling that way, then come on here to have my spirits lifted (Mine Today was mention of bone mets in the ribs!! had hip, shoulder, neck, femur, spine before (and soft tissue in the chest) now …ribs were mentioned! (all from the same scans!)
Hope somebody comes along in a minute to give you the support that you need,
Take care Nicky xx
Hi Marion
I have bone mets and like you was freaked out by the thought of contact with the hospice and stupidly put if off. My pain got increasingly worse and I eventually went to the pain specialist at the hospice and he is fantastic. Please don’t be put off and get the help you need these doctors are the experts at pain control. He even phones me every week to check pain still ok!
I have been on carboplatin and found it not too bad - just made me tired and loss of appetite. No experience of gencitabine. Sorry you having difficult time and I hope things get easier for you soon.
Love Anne x x
Hi Marion,
I’m so sorry to hear your latest news. As you might have seen from my profile, I have both bone and liver mets and there are a few other ladies on here have both. I’ve not had either of the chemo you’ve mentioned, but is on FEC.
Both of mine were discovered during routine checks before they’ve caused any pain, so no pain control is needed. From what I’ve read, hospice is a great place to get pain relief, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re at the end of your life.
I admire your daughter calmness. My mum and I are having a reverse role! I’m the one having BC and she’s the one “watching” in another country, and she’s not as calm as your daughter, understandable from a mum’s point of view.
I hope whatever choice of chemo you go for, it does the trick for you and you are more comfortable soon. Do PM any time if you’d like to.
Take care xx
Hi Marion
So sorry that you’ve got liver mets too, thinking of you, I can well imagine the whirlwind you’re experiencing at the moment.
I agree with m1yu - don’t see the hospice as the end of the road, if it can help with pain control then that’s what they’re there for.
I’m also sorry to hear your news Marion…there are some long timers here with liver mets. This is a supportive place. Good Luck with your treatment and I hope you can soon get your hip sorted…x
I’m sorry to hear your news too Nicky…if it helps, a little, I do know very small micro mets usually eventually show on scans but it can take a while…xx