Free Dimples Lucy wig / wrapunzel Wendy

Hi All

I am now 12 months down the line from diagnosis back at work with a full head of hair around 2 inches long (finished chemo end of march 2016) but for a while I did need to wear a different wig to the one I am giving away which was generously donated by another BCC lady to me so thought id pass on the gesture with a more recent purchase I no longer need

I have a dimples lucy wig in new highlight if anyone would like it for free, I did wear it occasionally for few weeks so it was cut and styled to look a little less wiglike and this means it is slightly shorter and thinner than pictures on the net. I also have shampoo etc to look after it and can happily send this too.

Please get in touch if this could be of use to you

Also I have a wrapunzel Wendy volumiser which you can wear under scarves to look like you have just piled your hair up ( a quick google or youtube search will show what this is) I have it in white I never wore it as by the time it arrived I was comfortable rocking my bald head and didnt really bother with scarves
If this could be of use please get in touch

Please rest assured the bad times do pass but if either of the things I no longer need will help you get through a difficult time dont be embarassed to ask for them.

Take care


Dear Jen…I would love the wig if youd consider me for it.I have my one free wig but it looks very wiggy to me and I feel self conscious as I have a small head.there’s nothing in the shops where I live.I’ll leave it to you but I’d be extremely grateful xx

Have DMd you x