Hi Ladies. I may be just saying something you all know already but did you know cancer drugs are free on NHS?. I just found out by chance. No one at Pharmacy, hospital or GP had told me. Anyway got a form, filled it in, gp signed it, and off we go.
Apologies if I’m just stating obvious!!
Cesrabbit, it’s not just cancer drugs but all prescriptions for 5 years! One of the very few benefits x
I’m glad I found this thread, as I’ve just had to pay for my Anastrozole.
After my daughter left college, I was no longer entitled to working tax credits. I asked my Dr, whether or not I would have to pay for my prescriptions now, she told me she wasn’t sure & would get back to me, well I haven’t heard anything since.
So today, when i go to collect my tablets, the pharmacist asked if I paid, to which I replied, I wasn’t sure & I’d need to ask my GP. So I ended up paying, but they did give me a form that, if i need to, claim the money back.
So Obviously, we don’t have to pay then?
You can get your GP to sign the form and you get free prescription exemption card for 5 years, ( it covers any medication) and you can apply for an extension if your cancer medication continues for more than 5 years I’ve been told also.
Yes c Ellis…my gps weren’t fast at coming forward about free prescriptions either! A friend told me. You can have free eye tests/glasses and dental treatment too I think with the exemption card. Claim everything back. I did.
Thanks ladies, I’ll get onto the surgery tomorrow 
I found this out on the same day of diagnosis. My BCN had already filled in and signed the forms after i got the results off the consultant. Be aware this covers prescriptions only though . Dental check ups arn’t covered.