Friday the 13th..........

I wondered if anyone had experienced any ‘bad luck’ today with it being Friday 13th?

My 2 year old washer decided to ‘eat’ BOTH wires out of my nice newish white bra and puncture the drum…

I am now £240 lighter after having to buying a new one.

Should have stopped in bed all day and not bothered to do any washing! lol


so far so good - nothing bad has happened, fingers crossed it stays like that.

Went to the gym, left my trainers under a bench while I went to have a quick shower and came back to find them gone. Luckily managed to borrow someone’s flip flops to walk home.

Well, my hair started falling out today. I guess you could call that bad luck.
2nd round of chemo for me - last time was in Oct.2001. Both times the hair started to fall out 2 weeks and 2 days after the first IV.


Nope - nothing so far today Reckon I had all my bad lluck the past six months leading up to it!

I did ok til about 6pm.

Ran up the drive cos it had starting chucking it down with rain…felt something “pop” in the back of my calf and now can only walk on my toes, can’t put my foot flat.
Probably ripped a tendon or muscle. Gonna see how I go tonight before I drag myself to the hospital as im sick of the sight of the place!

Oh the joy!!! :o)

You haven’t torn your achillies tendon have you? I hope not! Can you lift your toes up? Like flexing your ankle?
If not, get to the hosp soon.
Hope you’re better soon.
Take care.

Nothing happened to me but my OH was out mountain biking (asking for trouble) did a jump landed in his back wheel hit a tree root and basically if he wasn;t wearing a helmet he’d be in hospital as it split, Only dawned on me now after seeing this thread LOL stupid plank!!

Hiya Greenpea,

I dont think I have torn the achilles tendon as I can lift my toes and even turn my foot round in circles (very gently though).
I can move my foot forwards but hurts when I pull it back up. It seems to really pull on the muscle and it feels like its gonna go into a cramp.

I will see how it is tomorrow and then decide what to do.
If I went to the hospital they will probably only tell me to rest it, so im doing that right now!

I hope the rest of you had a bad luck free day? X X

I started my FEC last year on Fri 13 April, and started Tax on Fri 13th July. I’m hoping it brings me good luck!