Hi all I’m new to the forum …you seem like a fab bunch …I was diagnosed on Tuesday and I’m going for a mastectomy next Wednesday . It’s been a very strange week but I just wanted to share something which has really helped me.
I’ve given the task of making me laugh and lightening things up to my closest friends and they have obliged .i know they’re there for whatever I need and sometimes that’s going to be to have a good rant or cry but right now I need a release from the heavy stuff to help me get on with things …one set up a whatsapp group with a bunch of our friends ’ swearing for breast cancer ’ I know this may not be quite the thing for some people but honestly it was very therapeutic .we had a quick fire swear off round which was hilarious …and educational !!! Being stressed and upset is draining and exhausting and a good laugh in the midst of it has made such a difference to me so far !!
N xx
Nikster, I agree, humour is good therapy and swearing gives a sense of power against an unwelcome tenant! Like, tumour, you are not even paying rent for all those nutrients you are taking from me so I’ve signed a contract with my Oncolgist to have you evicted! The thing is, in social networks the swearing just has to look like this: &@!?£/ …so I’ve picked out a few humourous pics to share. Hope everyone likes them!
Nice one Nikster. I think your approach is a winner (but it’s OK to have a rant and a blub too sometimes.)
You might like this Youtube vid of Fascinating Aida singing the “Big C”- I’ve always liked them - especially Cheap Flights - but this made me laugh too.
“Swearing for Breast cancer” - like it! We get bleeped on here when we’re rude, which is funny too.
All the best for next week. xxxxx
Fantastic song I love it .The pics are fab too !!
I’ll be careful not to swear on here I promise ? Xxx
Humour has certainly helped me through this process and here’s one I sent my friends to make them chuckle