Hi all – I am finding that my friends are much more scarce or ‘busy’ now than before or during treatment. Of course I psychoanalyze ‘Do I complain too much’, ‘Am I too negative?’ or am I SO boring these days. My complications after treatment resulted in not working for 1 1/2 years, and going broke. I’m trying not to complain about my fears and anxiety around supporting myself, but I know it’s not just me. I DO feel that the chemo twisted my brain so that my thought processes “ain’t what they used to be…” and I do feel boring 
Any similar experiences with friends?
Thanks for listening –
Hi bclibrary
Sorry to hear you feel like that. I can also relate to what you have said. I think once treatment has finished, others see you as being well and are less concerned you. Not realising it an on going battle emotionally. I find you can’t win. If you are happy no one asks how you are and then if you say how you really, like you I worry that they will stop asking me because they are fed up of hearing about it! I think true friends will be there no matter what, sadly these are rare. I tend to attract friends that need someone to listen to their woes but when I need to talk they aren’t interested! I am sure you are not boring!! Are you back at work now? Do you have any hobbies that you could focus on. I know I’m not so tolerant and if I think I am being used I walk away. I would never have done this before BC. Downside to that is I don’t have many friends now! Unless you have been through cancer no one knows what it is really like, just because your treatment has finished you are not “back to normal” Please feel free to chat away or PM me. I find it helps to talk on here to ladies that have been through the same, it helps you realise it’s not you!! It really isn’t!! Sending a big hug your way. Xxx
i came across your post today and was feeling exactly the same. I’m 3 months post treatment and beginning to feel pretty lonely. I’ve struggled emotionally with it all but the longer I feel like this the less I feel I can talk about it to them. I’m trying to just tell everyone I’m fine but it’s a struggle cos every so often I need to let it all out. I’m struggling with anxiety too which is quite overwhelming and I don’t understand. It seems to strike when I’m not particularly thinking about what’s happened to me.
I didn’t have chemo but I do know that it’s a fact that people really struggle after.
Youve been through so much that you’re never going to be the same person again but unfortunately other people don’t realise that. Take care of yourself ?