evening luvvies,total cock up with appt today - should have been cancelled for appt i have on wends! Oh well, I have now to go in Tuesday as well as my right boob has suddenly become very tender on one spot where there was nothing before.The hospital were great and have to see Dr Tuesday.
Not gonna bore you all to death with despondency so will catch up with you all tomorrow as very worried,
big Hugs everyone and to the new ladies that have posted today!
Lou xxx
PS: hope the ladies with the treaments for today are feeling ok??
Hi all
I hope that all the chemos went well today.
Alison we must be at about the same stage as I had epi 4 last week. I’m still slightly nauseous but now it’s tiredness that’s getting me. Today I walked the dogs and then slept and then walked into the village for lunch and then slept! I think I’m wearing a hole in the sofa. I’m sorry to hear about the stress from work - just what you need right now. The day after I had my op one of my colleagues phoned to say that we were all being made redundant. Thankfully she was jumping the gun and all the stops were pulled out and we all still have jobs. Not a nice feeling though.
I’m definitely after this eye mist. I had drops from the hospital which did nothing to help and I too am sick of people thinking I’m crying!
I’ve spoken to my godaughter again and she wants to know if I want to book another session at her spa yet. Her social life is so hectic that she needs lots of warning. Next school holidays they’re coming here though so I’m having to think of something for a treat for her.
Pat thankfully no node involvement for me. I’m on chemo because of size/grade. My BC was only caught because of a cautious radiologist. I’ve been having annual mammograms for years due to family history(Mum and sister), and because of dense tissue and cysts the radiologist also likes to do a u/s. Nothing showed up on mammogram and I was happy going to the u/s as this always happens - except this time u/s did pick something up. I just feel so lucky that the check didn’t stop with the mammogram otherwise the lump would still be there and I would be none the wiser as it couldn’t be felt either.
Lou I hope all goes well tomorrow.
Nicky x
Hi Lou
Just to let you know i m thinking of you and no matter how may people say don t worry we always do its natural. Good luck at docs
Hugs Ange x
Evening ladies, what a f**king day! Well, you all know my luck by now!
Anyway, I’ll say this before I forget Pat - yes I had 5 nodes removed during mastectomy and all were cancerous, that’s why they’re blasting me with the chemo first, then have to have all the nodes removed after that, then rads, then drugs.
They were supposed to test the nodes while I was ‘under’ but that facility suddenly became unavailable at that moment in time so now have to have another operation after chemo rather than the promise that they would come back with results while I was still in the theatre and remove any other nodes necessary - well, it was me wasn’t it?!
And just to say that I hope we’re all going to different branches of Boots for those wonder eye drops tomorrow! All you lot can stay away from the Beckton branch!
Hey Lou, I can do despondent! First Tax went ok, got a bit breathless on walk back to station (normal reaction apparently) - have to try and slow down! Got home and wondered why they hadn’t given me normal injections for district nurses to give me for the next few days (for the back saga).
Rang ward and just caught the silly bastard before he left. “Oh dear, he said, just pop up tomorrow for them.” Afraid he got my daily ‘lost it’ moment. Anyway, to save you having to read numerous expletives … suffice to say they’re being couriered to me tomorrow! And they’ve gone up from 3 days to 5.
I tell you what, if you weren’t on the ball with these piddling hospitals you’d just lie there and die! So glad when all this started I was told that I couldn’t be in a better place than Bart’s!
So, now have to sit in and wait for 5 days for the district nurses to inject - assuming that the courier I have to wait in for tomorrow turns up with the 5 injections. Taking bets now ladies!!! And then have the joys of the skin graft to look forward to on Friday.
Currently rocking like there’s no tomorrow, think I might take a bet on that soon also! And on that cheery note I’ll be off. xx Jacq xx P.S. Forgot to take 4 lunchtime steroids and have just taken them now, so won’t bother with the bed tonight then, the 2 hours I got last night will do!
P.P.S. Lou, don’t worry love! Really! Even if it was to be anything in the other boob, I’m sure the chemo would have sorted it. Big hugs and love babes. xxx Jacq xxx
P.P.P.S. And my wig slipped off in the windy escalator tunnel at St. Paul’s - something’s not right you know.
Hi all, and welcome new ladies, nice to hear from you. Jacq, all I’m gonna say is ‘tomorrow’s another day…’ HOW COULD THEY FORGET YOUR MEDS!!! Lou, Jacq’s right, chemo has been blasting all the dodgy cells, of course you’re gonna worry, but sending a huge hug to you, and will be with you in spirit tomorrow. Nicky, my lump didn’t show up on mammo either so had I waited for mammo this year it would have gone undetected - scary thought, thank god I felt it. Jacq, i had one node biopsied and surgeon made decision to remove all 18 at same time as WLE, what a shame they didn’t take them all at time of mastectomy. There doesn’t seem to be any bog-standard treatment does there? Hope everyone else is well. love and hugs, Pat x
And another thing, why have all the stiff, (nearly) old lady hairs on my chin and neck decided to sprout back in abundance, and no hair ANYWHERE else?!
Evening ladies and thanks for all your good wishes yesterday!
As you can see I am having a post chemo steroid sleepless spell, so thought I would catch up…my we have had an eventful day!
Quite good news for you Pat so hope it all works out.
Poor you Lou, having to go in one day is bad enough but to have to return is positive torture-don’t they realise how stressful it all is??
Not so good news for you Alison-it’s bad enough dealing with the illness without stress from employers.
Jacqui, how could they forget your meds?? and then to lose your wig…poor thing I hope you went home and poured yourself a large one??
Welcome to the new ladies and thanks for the tip about the eye spray…I will be beating a track to Boots tomorrow (not yours Jacqui!!) so I don’t continually have panda eyes where my mascara has run!!! Still got my eyelashes! Sorry to all you people who don’t.
Well my day started off ok apart from a delay to have bloods checked again as neuts were at 0.9-however after 2 hours waiting they decided that having risen to 2 today they would go ahead. I had been really worried about my veins but all turned out well with Danny, my lovely onc nurse putting in canula and then it went quite smoothly…until D returned to say they are concerned about my liver function blood test as it has been abnormal for a while and now they want me to have a scan to check it out…aaaaarrrgghh what next? THEN I get home to a letter from the hospital to say I had an app with the gynae onc cons for 2 weeks time and I thought I had been discharged from there, so what is going on?? Is it any wonder I can’t sleep?
Sorry about that rant girls but everyone else in the house sound, and they just try and reassure me it will be alright but when you have had 2 dx of cancer it is quite difficult to convince yourself that it’s nothing serious…
On that note I will try and get some sleep or I will feel like s**t tomorrow!
Nite Nite, Lyn xxx
Hi, all, well managed @ 4 hours last night - few dubious beverages involved to get that much. Too bad, I needed it after yesterday.
Well, none of us seem to have had a very good start to our week, do we? Apart from that Tina Turner woman - perhaps we should all start singing naked in the bathroom!
I don’t want to knock the NHS too much ('cos I still have lots to be done!), but I’m sure half of our stress and worries come from the lack of organisation and communication ‘skills’.
I know they’re understaffed, but surely money could be found from somewhere to fund just one decent tutor in common sense to lecture these incompetents. Tina, when you get back to your job in your hospital - I’m/we’re counting on you to organise this! You know you want to!
Well, good luck for a better day today for everybody! xx Jacq xx
You did better than me Jacqui-3 hours and wide awake at 6.30 aaarrggghh! Off to put my feet up and try a snooze now while house is quiet,
Hope everyone better today and you get on better Lou!
Will check in later,
Lyn xx
Arft’noon all,
Well, seen Dr with the soppy handshake, - seems all is ok - thank goodness!
Did my bloods while i was there so i don’t have to go in Tomorrow, then had a phonecall when i got home to say bloods not right so no chemo Friday but will try again next week!
Oh well, that probably explains why i’m feeling crappy again.
Jacq, you on the no sleep thing? Doesn’t it just dive you mad!
Thankyou all for the good wishes for today, was nice to know you were thinking of me xx
Well, best get back to the babies cardigan i’m knitting - last sleeve - but i don’t think i’ll use 4ply again! arrgghhhhhh!!!
Back again tomorrow, massive hugs all,
Lou xx
Great news Lou. Bummer about bloods though but a few days and they’ll be up again. Jacq, I know what you mean about hospitals and organisation. Often it’s the attention to detail that lets people down - I mean, forgetting someone’s medication for example isn’t on as it should be routine. When I worked in Plastics, we had huge clinics, particulaly those for bc patients who were undergoing reconstruction. The clinics were often difficult to run due to the high numbers, but mainly due to drs not arriving to start clinics on time, where I am now, we have drs mobile nos and, if they aren’t there at start of clinic we ring them to find out why they aren’t there. I don’t know what the other ladies have experienced but my onc appts are always running at least 1 hour late and these are the clinics attended by people who are least able to cope with such delays, I wish I had the answers. I’ve been verbally abused more times than I care to remember but I always sympathise with patients coz it’s just not on, although I would never abuse someone myself in that situation, but I do empathise. When I’m back at work, maybe I should let Tina run a few clinics! I could get the wig to match!! Oh Jacq, you’ve started something now… Jacq, is it this Fri for skin graft? If so, loads of luck that it works for you. Hi to everyone else and hope all are ok. love and hugs Pat x
Well lost little lot, what the f**k do I keep touching? I hate laptops, never had this problem with ordinary computer and mouse!
It must be something going round with us, feel so grumpy and down. Just had a massive row with eldest - bloody know-it-all that girl. Sent her home with a flea in her ear. I think other people just pick up when you’re grouchy and just have to join in. You’d think we’d get given a bit of leeway now and again.
At least the courier turned up with the missing injections - first thing that’s gone according to plan for days.
Had great neighbours in the chemo unit yesterday again. One sat screaming and fighting the nurse off when he tried to get the needle in, but then became remarkably ok when she started to brag to everyone about her 3 new wigs she’s just ordered for just over £1,000 each. Do I look like I’ve just jumped off the boat? And she was surrounded by Primark bags!
Mind you she made my day when she asked if I was worried about becoming sterile like she was?!!! Kept looking for the white stick!
Then to the right I had another woman on the 'phone sobbing on her mobile for over an hour saying she didn’t want to come back anymore -don’t then - leave me in peace. Sorry, but I just think they’re ungrateful bitches. I know we all get our down days, but we’re all doing our best to get cured.
Lou, do they give you any tips to help your bloods to improve? Don’t worry - a little break in treatment doesn’t delay the miracles of chemo - and that’s a fact! Stop looking around for any new lumps or bumps - it’s no good for man or beast!
Anyway, hope you’re all doing all better today. xx Jacq xx
Hi Pat, just missed your input! You really MUST get a Tina wig, they do them cheap on the fancy dress websites. My niece had one for a party and it looked brilliant. Would love to see you in that hospital ready for a song!
Yep, skin graft to be on Friday, not holding my breath though on it being a success. No, must be more positive - it will be brilliant! Not looking forward to it though - 12 pieces of skin removed from one place on back onto the wound - just with a local - ouch! Then home on 3 packed tube trains. Not nice methinks. Oh well, who said life was gonna be easy, eh? xx Jacq xx
Hi All
Been to have my taxotere today, bloods were fine all ok.
I also had zemeter 5th one.Waiting for side effects only had 3 hrs sleep last night.Probably same tonight. Been to me mums ,district nurse was there so i was there quite a while,mum was lovely as usual, father did my head in
talkin crap,ungrateful bugger. Going to chill out now do you think its ok to have a glass of wine tonight or should I wait a few days i think i need one
love to all
I sympathise Ange and could do with a wine myself as I have just had a session with my mother today! Tried to tell her that this is only my third with another 3 to go and I really don’t need or want to give her the minutiae( spelling?) of each one!!
However was told to avoid alcohol 2 days before and after so will have to wait a few days.
Jacqui I don’t know how you coped with those two eejits on either side…think i would have wanted to be moved! Why can’t people behave with a bit of dignity in these situations-you might want to scream and shout but you DON’T. Good luck on Friday.
Lou a pity you have a delay as I think you get psyched up for it and then you have to do it all again-lots of rest and healthy eating for the next few days?
Well back to the knitting too though double not 4 ply so it’s coming up a treat-how it looks when it’s finished remains to be seen…??
Lyn xx
Hello everyone
This is my first post.
I was diagnosed on Jan 12th, having found a small ‘thickening’ on 19th Dec. The surgeon knew immediatly that it was suspicious, and I was examined, mammoed, utrasoung, fine needle aspiratio and 2 cone biopsied and told I had cancer within 2 hours. The tumour was huge 4cm and deeper that wide - all in the space of a month. Diagnosis was poorly differentaited, invasive ductal carcinoma, attached to the skin (in my bloody cleavage - at the top!) er-, pr- nad after Sentanal Node Biopsy, 2 out of the 5 nodes removed were positive.
I did’nt sleep the whole of Jan - was dozing when tv am came on, and nor did I sleep most of Feb, so reading your posts was my experience exactly.
On the dreaded FEC -ditto with the DREADFUL constipation. I get follow up jabs for a week to boost my immune system. Got FECed on 20th Jan and have only started to lose my hair today. The horrible tingle, but so far have nor lost my lashes or brows. thank god. My one vanity is that Ihave very long lashes so if I lose them, with the hair, I will look strange as they are so much part of my abd my identity.
Apart from the fatigue (which is pretty random for me!) One day I feel quite perky and the next getting out of bed is a task. Strange, the side effects hav not been too bad. I am awash with water,2l per day + tea, smoothies etc.
Getting Movacol from my GP tomorrow to be prepared this time round.
I havenot been able to get my wig fitted because they kept bringing my appoiintments forward - probably because of hte speed the cancer has grown at.
So I think I will be baldy by Friday - took longer than i though before I started to lose it, though I wish that I has a wig to match my own hair - simple, short, black - a bit like Liza Minnelli, because Idon’t think I could bear the looks of sympathy or embarressment
Getting my bloods taken tomorrow, adn FECed again Friday 13th. I am to get 4 courses, so I am thinking 2half way there", but girls - it is a tough path!!
Lots of other probs, no less financial - the new Goverment ESA is £60.50 p/w for the first 13 weeks of illness, so my illness has drained my savings in the region of £2000 to meet my bills etc.
On top of this miserable disease from which we sufferr, it’s been hard. Also my boiler exploded and washing machine packed in in the mos dramatic fashion!! So no running hot water,except for my shower1
Also might be trip neg, which has a poorer prognosis, still waiting for my HER2 results (since 12th Jan!) Am horome non responsive for er and pr, any advice out there girls?
Gonnie demand to know tomorrow, will have a hissy fit if they try to withhold it from me!!
My wee tale of woe. Horrible year for me so far, and it would be great if we could share experiences.
With hugs and lollipops
Nettie xx
Hi and welcome Nettie - if welcome is the right word. We’re a good bunch on here and so just join in - I think our humour has saved us from the outside world!
There’s a couple of us on here with the HER negative prognosis - so you’re far from alone - I try not to think about anything further than today (and just a bit of tomorrow!). Anyway, if you’ve been reading our posts, you probably have got the gist of us lot!
Fell asleep all through Mistresses last night, which spoilt my steroid induced body for the rest of the night, and managed another 40 minutes.
Yep, that new ESA money’s great, isn’t it? So far, since 20th December, I’ve received one payment. Then yesterday, I got a total knockback on the Disability Living Allowance - which I shall pursue relentlessly.
I know of people who have ‘just’ (sorry for those ladies involved to use the word ‘just’) had a lumpectomy and have received it without any quibbles. And I had the works, with a 3 inch hole in my back for the last 3 and a half months, with a looming skin graft and loads more surgery and stuff to be done.
Total shite - am well into and nearly out of rainy day money already. I really do think there should be some sort of sickness package for people that have to give up their job (I was self-employed - so no sick pay) through no fault of their own. I’m a registered childminder, so how could I carry on picking up babies with state of my back, etc.?
Well ladies, you can see that I am still in one of those difficult frames of mind today, which may just stand me well when I start doing my complaining voice on the 'phone today. Have to shoot now, 'cos have to be at Health Centre for back dressing and injection.
Have a good 'un. xx Jacq xx
Pat! It’s just shown up on Sky News that Tina Turner has had to cancel her next two concerts at O2 'cos of flu - get up there girl and yourself a shilling! xx Jacq xx