Where’s that LouLou gone? Are you ok and just hiding under the duvet bubs? xx Jacq xx
Hi Jacq,
Yep still here! Had a really crap week last week- bloody insensitive people having a pop at me, so have felt really fed up. The dr has given me some happy pills, hopefully they’ll work but it takes a couple of weeks or so.I’m so sorry to read that you didn’t get the skin graft - me thinks your ever so slighty hacked off as well?
Have been sooooo tired, thats probably why my bloods weren’t good enough for no.4 Fec last Friday, gonna have another go this week instead!
Hope everyone else is doing ok? such a beautiful day on Sunday, pity I missed it from sleeping most of the day!!!
Well,best shake a leg i s’pose,
Check back again later,
Much Love to all,
LouLOu xxxx
Hi ladies, sorry things have been crap for you, Lou, and Jacq. Love the idea of you coming back as you hubby!!! Well, Tax went went but hit me like a ton of bricks of Saturday, aching in places I didn’t know I could ache. Temp last nite but this happened after 1st Tax so I’m not panicking yet. Do any of you tend to get a bit of a temp as a result of chemo? Gonna ask the ladies on the tax thread too. Jacq, have you noticed it? Gonna have warm bath and hope that helps a bit, and take paracetamol. Taste went yesterday so it’s basically business as usual! My stepmum is visiting from Spain this week and I so want to spend some time with her - she’s staying across London with her friend. Mothers Day on Sunday and usually entertain my mum but just gonna play it by ear. The sun is shining and beckoning me, hope everyone managed to enjoy their weekend, looks like springs on it’s way - again! Lou, people that put a downer on you can go swing! Who has time for that, hope pills help, whatever it takes do it. Did you rugby fans enjoy the matches? Lou, sure your bloods will be up for this week, then it’s a step closer. Sending you and everyone huge hugs for the week ahead, feels a bit like a marathon at the mo but we’ll complete the course. Sorry if I sound like I’m rambling, it#s coz I am! don’t feel right at all!! love and hugs, Pat x
Hi, Lou, glad you’re still alive and kicking! Pity you didn’t kick that person who had a pop at you. Who the hell was it, not that ‘friend’ you had to stay the other weekend, was it? What’s wrong with these ‘people’? Remember that neighbour that jumped out in front of me to ask what was going on with me?, well her son stopped me the other day, and told me how much he liked my hair now. I said ‘Thanks, I got hold of some heavy duty straighteners at last.’ As he turned away, I said to my (nice) neighbour - ‘F***ing to**er, bet his mum told him to say that!’ His face … I loved it. Can’t be ar**d with these cretins. Have seriously turned into Catherine Tate’s nan - for real!
Blimey Pat, isn’t this Tax terrible? I sooo wasn’t expecting anything as bad as this. Apart from every part of me hurting to the max, somebody only has to half smile at me, and I can’t stop blubbing! What’s that all about? And apart from the shivers, shakes and nosebleeds (no, I aint ringing the hospital!), every evening I get the trots for at least 2 hours, doubled up in pain. I went out and bought some Collis Browne’s mixture from Boots yesterday, don’t know if we’re allowed it, but it’s miracle medicine from the Gods Can’t be doing with being doubled up with stomach cramps as well.
Oh, well, we’ll get there - won’t we? Pat, you’re always so upbeat, I do envy you - I’ve never been like this before in my life. Best wishes to us all! xx Jacq xx
Hi all
Lou, Pat and Jacq sorry you’re all feeling so rough. I think maybe I’m glad to be spending longer on chemo and not facing the Tax. At least the CMF is supposed to be “kinder” than the epi. I start that next week.
Pat I loved the rugby - at least what I managed to stay awake for. No matter how good the game I can’t seem to stay awake. Maybe I should record it and play it back on a loop on those sleepless nights!
Jacq on Friday I was woken from a lovely snooze by a telephone call which was a survey about the NHS in this area. I couldn’t be bothered to answer having just woken up - should I have passed them on to you? When I was doing the grocery shopping this am I was also given a leaflet about the plans for the NHS here for the next 20 years. Haven’t read it yet. They didn’t seem to give the leaflets to everyone. Do you think my lack of hair indicated I might be a big NHS user?
What glorious weather. Hope it’s like this when we move the caravan onto site in a few weeks. Had a text from a friend this am to say that the site was already open this time last year.None of us can wait to get there.
At last coffee tastes half decent again. I’ll be making the most of it for the next week. As a trade off the runny nose and eyes have started again. Got my eye mist this morning and will be putting it to good use.
Take care of yourslves.
Nicky x
Evening ladies, and sorry to hear of all the probs some of you have been having. Makes me feel really guilty about feeling down this weekend-not ill just sorry for myself.
One positive thing was that my gynae visit went ok with nothing sinister, so just need to get past the liver scan tomorrow and hope nothing there either! Arm still really sore-can’t straighten it so going to make a detour to the ward tomorrow to get them to check there is nothing amiss.Think I am becoming totally paranoid!!
Saw my line manager today so set up for partial return to work subject to authority approval, so that has given me something to focus on and have put my name down for a jog tutor training course on Friday, so I can feel some normality returning to my life. One step forward…?
Anyway take care ladies and hope you are feeling a bit better tonight?
Lyn xx
Hi ladies, Lyn, so glad your gynae appt was a positive one, that’s exactly what you need. Hope the tutor thing goes well, too. I think we all crave some sense of normality and when we see that little light at the end of the tunnel, it’s great. Nicky, I’m so jealous that your taste is back - I find it one of the most horrible SE’s. although interestingly I can’t drink tea at all now - tastes so bitter but can manage coffee. I ate 3 different things for tea last nite and could only taste the vanilla ice cream! At least it soothed the throat. Feeling bit better today although aches are rotten, even my eye sockets hurt so I’ve officially had enough of it! Jacq, sorry you feel so crap, and yes I blub at everything too. I sobbed at some daft advert, not remotely sad, in fact the opposite. I felt so sorry for myself on Sunday, I just cried and hid under the duvet. I think we’re allowed. Every morning I hope it’s gonna be a bit better, and today it is, plus sun is shing so, as I aint been out since Friday I’m determined to escape! I love the crack about the heavy duty straighteners, you’re a real tonic and never fail to make me smile. Aren’t some people just eejits!!! Sorry, I know it’s St. Patricks Day, anyone out on the lash tonite? Lucky devils! Lou, hope you’re alright and enjoying some sunshine, too. And everyone else, hope you’re getting thru and coping okay. Well, must get myself into gear and get out the front door. Will check in later, in the meantime, love and big hugs to all, Pat x
Reading Jacq’s post makes me realise that I am not alone - but was told that those of us who kick up a fuss actually survive longer!
But why we have to keep on and on at them, when they are supposed to be professional…!
Verite R
Hi ladies and thanks Pat-you are so right! Hope you are feeling better after escaping for a while? I feel better today and all the more as my liver scan was clear…I won’t have to give up wine after all…woohoo!! However he did say there was something not quite right with my right kidney but didn’t seem too concerned, so nor am I…and I might just celebrate St Patrick’s day even if I am Scots!! LOL.
Downside is I have to go back for another scan on my arm as they don’t know what is causing the pain and want to rule out a clot…the fact I have to drive an hour into town for it doesn’t seem to matter…you would think since I was in today they might have managed to fit me in?? Or is that too much to expect?
Everyone else ok on this lovely day?
Lyn xx
Fantastic news Lyn, and yes you’d think they’d squeeze you in, as you were there. I’ve had some swelling on my hand for a few weeks and I point it out to the docs every time I see them. Last week 2 of the fingers were like sausages! so onc said ‘def swelling, I’ll refer you to lymphodema nurses’ - still waiting! And yet they say it should be dealt with asap to limit permanent damage! Gonna chase them ip as, at the end of the day it’s MY arm and I want it sorted. I’ll be so cross if it is lymphodema, as I’ve been telling them about it for weeks. Verite R, I know where you’re coming from, and welcome. OK, groan over, off to find something that I can taste, I may be a while! I think all those that can should celebrate St Patricks Day - why the hell not! I feel my poor taste buds would benefit from a very cold bud and lime! love and hugs, Pat x
Hi Pat and all,
I can identify where you are coming from re the swelling Pat. After my gynae surgery 3 years ago I was saying to my doc for weeks that my leg was swollen and I panicked that nothing was being done. I was referred to a specialist oedema physio and she was fantastic and has helped me so much to cope and manage it. Firstly they won’t start any treatment until 3 months post surgery and unlikely they will do anything while you are having treatment apart from maybe assess you. You won’t suffer permanent damage unless it is years down the line without treatment and if it is lymphoedema there are various options to manage it which they will discuss with you, but nothing works quickly and from my experience it is trial and error to see what suits you…BUT it may not be lymphoedema and may just be swelling due to the treatment.
I have noticed a definite increase in swelling in my legs 5-6 days post chemo which takes about 2 weeks to settle, just in time for the next treatment so I have resigned myself to this being the case until it is all over, then hopefully I will get it under control again.
Hopefully Pat it won’t be lymphoedema but still worth pushing to get it assessed.
Nice day here today and I feel almost normal again so off out for a walk later.
Lyn xx
Lyn, thanx so much for that, I must admit I was panicking a bit but the chemo can cause a bit of swelling too, and I had started knitting again… Will keep an eye on it. Yes, it is a glorious day again, you go and enjoy the sunshine, always makes me feel chirpy! Cheep cheep!!! love and hugs Pat x
Hi All,
Hope you are all feeling good on this beautiful day? I’m off to hospital tomorrow, hopefully for FEC no.4 - all being well anyway!
Had a phonecall from Thomas’ school on Tuesday, could i go and collect him as he’d had a ‘small’ accident! As if we hadn’t had enough of hospitals, 3 1/2 hours later - and TWO broken fingers, poor little chap! His hand is all black and swollen, now waiting for an appointment with the fracture clinic!
Anyway, can anyone recommend where to buy ‘buffs’ from at all? must get out of this woolley hat before i melt!!!
well, must go and catch up abit ready for Friday, supermarket bringing the shopping later on which will be another job done,
Loads of hugs to all,
Loulou XX
Lou, try ‘thats-charming.co.uk’ they have nice multi-purpose bandanas, buffs, ‘scarfstudio.co.uk’ look good, and ‘bohemia-fashions.co.uk’ I know what you mean about the heat and I really am not that keen on scarves but may have to bite the bullet. Sure chemo will go ahead - good luck! x
Oh, and Thomas - ouch!!! sending big hug to him, too. x
Thanx Pat!
Will have a look at those websites. Poor Thomas and his black hand - OUCH!!!
Oh jacq, by the way, i’m so relieved to have this jacket off, but i can’t stop rocking…does this stop automatically???
much love from the nut house!
Lou x
Hi all, hope everyone’s okay. How you doing Jacq? I’m sick to death of being congested and having a bloody nose. Aches and pains aren’t too bad really though. Well, I wore a wig out up to the shopping centre for the first time today, my daughter dared me, which she knows she shouldn’t do! It was actually not bad, I had huge sunglasses on (thank god the sun was actually shining!!!) - and I felt like I was incognito, like a spy or something. But it was much more comfy than wearing the hat and I was looking out for people to be staring - I told you I’m a little insane! - but no-one was and I just blended in. Excited about the lighter wig which should arrive tomorrow as I may be able to kiss goodbye to my trusty fleece hat for good. Received radio planning appt for 8th April which is 5 days after last chemo - hopefully I’ll be fine for it. So radio should start 2 weeks after that so, all being well, I should finish radio by mid-May - whoopee!!! Not getting my hopes up, just wait and see I guess. Trust everyone is getting some of this glorious sunshine? Check in later, love and huge hugs Pat X
Hellooooooo! Well I did ring the hospital on Tuesday, 'cos temperature was almost off the scale of anything humanly possible.
Anyway, they liked the sound of me and said “Pop up and see us and we’ll check you out”. Well, they liked the look of me even more, and kept me in - for 2 days!
Bless those lovely, young doctors (sooooo young). They soon got me sorted - lots more tests and x-rays. Turns out I had (have) throat infection, chest infection, 2 new back infections, loads of nose bleeds, diarrohea and, of course, the raging temperature. Felt better as soon as I started the 2 lots of anti-biotics.
Mind you, due to the loose bowels involvement, I got a private room, en-suite with tv - totally sufferable!
Took youngest daughter with me, and as we went into my room, said “Just think somebody’s died in here”. Then when being ‘questioned’, kept butting in with stuff like, “Well, actually, no - today’s the first time that mum’s actually taken her temperature”.
Alright love, you can go now. Anybody need to borrow “Visitor of the Year”?
Anyway, still feel a bit limp, but getting there - hope you all are too! xx Jacq xx
P.S. Unbelievably bloods and all tests were o.k., seems I just got unlucky with a severe throat bug that started the ball rolling, (not sure if I swallowed that though!) 'Scuse the pun! xx Jacq xx
Oh Jacq!!! an I thought i felt ill! you poor thing xxxx
Atleast they’ve got you on the road to recovery, i don’t know about you but sometimes you feel as iff you maybe phoning over nothing and actually you are ok but just getting a bit paranoid, so it’s almost a relief when they say you are ill!!! always worth that phonecall!!! I hope you are now at home RESTING (?) or is it nice and sunny where you are, maybe enjoying the sunshine in the garden?
I had FEC 4 yesterday, i now have the body of lead, just can’t seem to move and have slept almost continuosly since 4 on Friday. Just managed to drag myself from my pit ( much to the upset of the dog!) Thomas is with his Grandad for the day so i can rest so all is peaceful…
Hope everyone else is ok today?, take loads of care Jacq, nice to have you back with us!
Lots a love,
Loulou xxxx