From bad to worse

Thank you. It’s a lot to digest. xx


Dear Flojo - blimey I have just read every post and what a truly awful period of time for you and you family. I know everyone gets through in their own way and there is no right or wrong , but reading the stories of all the women living with this over them does seem to help. For me I went through the whole process in 2023, starting with a diagnosis in March. Finished the final radiotherapy in November then 12 weeks later it came back but this time with two completely different cancers. I had no idea that I could have three types of cancer in one breast. None of the team in The Royal Free have seen it before. anyway just had a mastectomy and been signed out again. So in short I have had AAA positive/ neuroendercrine and oestrogen positive. Even typing this is terrifying. However, Despite the cancer being 60m it still had not gone to the nodes and I am trying to work out how I move from here to getting my life back. It must be possible as all the amazing other women have found a way. Sending you strength and best wishes and knowledge that we are all here with you.


Oh my goodness me, @jan3. What a lot to deal with. Thanks for your thoughts and back at you. xx

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Just caught up. So glad your ct scan was clear. Still lots of treatment but you can do this! The hardest part for me was always the not knowing and the waiting for results. Goodluck with the next part. You’ve got this x


sending you good wishes. at least we have each other which means a great deal to me.


Hello, me again! Continuing the theme of bad to worse…today I went back to see the surgeon to get my final results. The tumour that started out <5cm, then >5cm was one of a number spread through the boob and was 11cm of lobular cancer. The 1-3 nodes affected turned into 6 of the 19 removed. So now onto chemo, radiotherapy, bones stuff and hormone blockers. I am not sure what to make of it all at the moment. The surgeon was nice but it is all delivered in a very practical way, which I understand, and it’s hard to know what to make of it all - other than it’s not great.


Oh @flojo, I’m so sorry to hear about all of this. Thinking of you x

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Dear flojo

Thinking of you, one day at a time my lovely ladies. We are all rooting for you.

Happiness going forward love Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:

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Hi Flojo, I’m sorry your diagnosis has changed. It is so difficult. I was initially told I had a grade 2 and MRI said lymph nodes clear but it turned out I had a grade 3 with 2 affected lymph nodes. It’s such a shock, but I have moved from this and the fact that I had the above has made me eligible for other treatments, the targeted drug Abemaciclib. Sending a virtual hug.


Hi my diagnosis also changed. Was told my tumour was 31mm grade 2 before removal and cancer in lymph nodes but not sure how many. After op tumour was 46 mm upgraded to grade 3 and 23/26 lymph nodes affected. Was Absolutely devastated and still am :pensive:


It’s such a lot to take in, @jules8. You get given the info and some booklets and sent on your way. But I am not sure how to deal with the aftermath and the worries and ‘what ifs’ buzzing around my brain today. It’s a lonely place, but hopefully the support here will help.


Hi I am so sorry to hear this. It fills me with dread to hear your story and others but is helpful too. I feel for you so much. My operation is this Friday and I’m aware from you and others that until they look at it under a microscope nothing they have said so far is guaranteed. I snatch moments of not thinking about it and trying to think of today but its not easy.
Still struggling with this is my life now.


I completely understand your worries, but hopefully it will be ok. Good luck for Friday. xx

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Hi square-boob

I was told 25mm grade 2 and no lymph’s, ended up 16mm grade 2 and 2/8 nodes, one macro one micro, I’ve had radiotherapy and now 10 years letrozole, so like everyone says things change all the time.

Good luck for Friday



Sorry to hear you’re going through this. I had lobular cancer diagnosed in December last year and ended up having a full body CT scan on December 23rd and had to pretend over Christmas that everything was ok when I was actually thinking is this my last Christmas - I was 51 years old. Fast forward and like you it went from a simple(!) lumpectomy to a mastectomy etc. However the CT scan was clear so it’s normal just to double check and afterwards I found it reassuring that they had checked.
My dad also has Parkinson’s so I understand your concerns there as well.
Remember the doctors prepare you for the worst but you must continue to hope and plan for the best. Wish you lots of positive vibes x


I just wanted to wish you the best of luck with your scan results. We will be thinking of you and rooting for you :heart: