From GP to Breast Clinic to Stage 3 cancer in a week!

I have had a whirlwind of a week. I went to see my GP last Thursday with a lump in my left breast. He referred me to breast clinic and somehow I got an appointment the very next day. Whilst a the clinic I had a mammogram and ultra sound and a core biopsy. Today I returned for my results to be told I had a 6cm tumour and that I need a full mastectomy and a million other things that I couldn’t quite take in. The consultant has given me a date of 30th October for my surgery and my head is spinning. Im reading all the info the breast care nurse gave me but everything is happening so fast. Everyone around me is upset and I’m just a bit numb like it isn’t really happening to me.

Hi Gaunts, I am sorry to read your post, it sounds as though you have had a distressing time

Please feel free to call our helpliners for further emotional and practical support, lines are open 10-2 tomorrow and 9-5 Mon-Fri on 0808 800 6000

You may find some of the information and further support ideas via this link to the ‘Just diagnosed’ pages helpful:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi Gaunts,
No wonder your head is spinning, it’s a lot to take in.
Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. The way you describe it as though it feels like its not happening to you sounds familiar - I think it’s part of the whirlwind of it all. I felt like I was reeling for awhile.
Deep breathes, it’s good that you have people around you and I’m sure you have much more strength than you feel like you do right now.
If you have questions you may find it helpful to make another appointment with your breast care nurse to follow up. Otherwise if there are general practical q’s this website is a good place to voice them since others may be able to make helpful suggestions/comments/advice from their own experiences to help you through this- no explanation required since everyone on this website understands the emotions and concerns diagnosis brings.
I know its hard but try not to panic, women really do get through this and emerge the other side.

Hi guants know exactly how you feel the same has happened to me today! Chemo radio and mastectomy all in one hit finding it hard to take it all in! Also have to hv ct scan yet to ensue not spread :frowning: Totally selfish but think loose hair and boobs still I know these are cosmetic and to get rid if the cancer is no price to pay but what a shock not really taken it in totally feel sick ! Good luck there with you

Thanks seabreeze. I have another appointment with breast cancer nurse next week and another scan to double check my lymph nodes again because as of yet they are still clear thank goodness. So I will get more chance to ask a few more questions. Thanks for your reply its good to know people are ou there x

Hi Jo thank you for links and hope to find support and tips from this forum x

Sarahjane I understand exactly how you feel. I also have to have another scan too. Lets keep in touch if that’s ok. We are both at the same stage we can keep each other going x.

Guants that sounds like a good plan we can support each other share stories experiences and seek help advice from other ladies on here has really helped me today so many of us out there and nice to talk to someone who really understands the feelings and emotions xx let me know how you get on am here to chat anytime xx

Hi sarah jane. I got your private msg but it still will not let me reply. It sends me a msg to say you do not have settings to accept priv messages which is odd. I dont want you to think im ignoring you lady x

Hello, Sorry guys to hear you are going through this
It is a very surreal time, stomach in knots whilst trying to carry on normally!

I found a lump 2 weeks ago went to GP they thought it was a cyst but sent me for hospital appointment. Examined initially by the dr who said she thought it was a cyst but after the mammogram that all changed.
I had numerous core biopsies and told there and then I am looking at mastectomy chemo and radiotherapy.

I work for an agency so if i don’t work i don’t get paid which is a worry.

I have my official appointment for results tomorrow i will take my sister in law as my husband doesn’t cope well with this type of thing.

All a bit scary but will have to take things bit by bit. Today I am off painting the stables which will help keep my mind off things. I keep coming here to read a bit then it gets too much and I have to go and do something else!

We can do this xx

Hi Silverflute and Brewster, welcome to the BCC forums

Along with the support you will find here, our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support for you on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays so do feel free to call to talk any concerns or queries over

You may find the following ‘Just diagnosed’ Information and support from BCC helpful:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hello ,I know how you feel I gave to breast clinic today and had biopsy done,lump in right greasy quite large,I just seem to know at the back of my mind the lump will be malignant,I would just like to get it removed ASAP so scared,I could not believe how many women were in clinic today so daunting,good luck
Shar x