From Private Health Cover


I was diagnosed nearly 7 years ago and had private health cover under my husbands employer scheme. When his employer went bust(good old Woolies) my employer gave Bupa cover to all their employees so I still have private health insurance. I am getting fed up with my job, the stress it gives me is really not worth it and I am thinking off moving on, which will mean no more health cover unless I want to pay myself.

Has anyone gone back into the NHS from private health cover. My Onc has retired from the NHS and is still keeping his private patients on. If anyone has moved was it easy, did you go to your GP and asked to be referred to the local hospital?



I took early retirement and a had to change back to the NHS, I just told the oncologist and my consultant the date I would be leaving the private scheme and I was transfered over by them. I had a choice of hospitals to go to for Herceptin, I told the onc where I wanted to go and the NHS sent me an appointment date for my next Herceptin plus appointment to see the consultant at another hospital-it was seamless.

Best wishes