Full of hope

I went for a routine mammogram on January 6th and had a call back to attend another mammogram, core biopsy and ultrasound on 29th January. On 6th February I got the news everyone dreads - I have breast cancer. I have been diagnosed with the very rare invasive tubular carcinoma.
Since then I’ve had a MRI scan, meeting with a surgeon, another Ultrasound and then this Thursday another meeting with my surgeon to discuss the final treatment plan.
I know I’ll be having a lumpectomy, radiotherapy and as I am ER+ endocrine therapy.
I have all the mixed emotions of anger, upset, scared, thankful and more but despite everything I know that thanks to a routine appointment I have been caught early, so despite the problems the NHS have in some of their departments this one is working for me and in my area.

I’m holding on to the fact it was caught early, but I know I have a journey to travel that will be full of ups and downs and I’m hoping that this forum will be helpful.


Hi kaz5
Sorry you are going through this. You are following exactly the same path I did 2 years ago. Mine was also tubular and caught very early at first routine mammogram. I have been told several times that ‘tubular’ is least likely to spread. I am feeling fine now and have my 2nd follow up approaching. You will no doubt have ups and downs during your treatment. You will get through it all one stage at a time. Make sure you have lots of treats to hand.
Thinking about you x


Mine was tubular also I’m 3 years post- treatment and mine was also found through a routine mammogram and I’m doing fine. All the emotions you are experiencing now are perfectly normal and we have all been through them . You’re right it is a journey - that phrase has become a bit of a cliche but it is appropriate . We will be here for you along the way if you need us and you will get there.

With love xx


I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis @kaz5 but glad that you’ve joined the forum. There are so many kind and experienced people here and I hope you find the support you’re looking for.

As @JoanneN and @poorlyboob have said, all of your feelings are normal and valid, and you may have ups and downs throughout treatment and beyond.

Have you spoken to one of our specialist nurses before? They’re here to support you with clinical questions or for a chat. You can get in touch with them here on the forum on the Ask our Nurses your questions board or on our helpline 0808 800 6000 which is open Monday to Friday 9am-4pm and 9am-1pm Saturday.

Sending our warmest,

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Thanks for responding. I haven’t spoken to one of the nurses there but part of the MDT includes a MacMillan nurse who I’ve met and she recommended joining the forum and seeking support from you when I needed it.

Today I’m going to another ultrasound and I’m feeling quite calm and settled, but it comes in waves the emotions.

I know I’m lucky in the fact it is treatable and caught early so sometimes I feel guilty for being upset.

Looking forward to using the groups more when needed x