Fun photo shoot opportunity

Hello everyone

Our colleagues in the Marketing Team are looking for willing participants for a small photo shoot. They are particularly looking for female models aged 65+ who are currently undergoing chemotherapy.

The feedback we have been receiving is that our current pictures are not a true representation of all our diverse service users and we are now addressing this issue. Our aim is, as always, to support as many people as possible and one way is to show what having chemotherapy really looks like for real women. We know that real pictures of real people help so many feel less anxious and more informed and we want to continue to build on this. 

The photo shoot will be fun and consist of a professional photographer taking snaps as you are getting ready at home to leave for the hospital and the story will continue with photos being taken at the hospital whilst you are receiving your treatment.  A member of Breast Cancer Care staff will be with you at all times to support you.

If this fun adventure is something you would like to be a part of please email Nyiesha at  

Best wishes, 


Digital Community Officer 

Hi, I am well under the age required, but feel it important to show that ladies of any age can deal with chemo.  I had my first cycle last Friday, am aged 46 and am very positive.  I live in Batley, West Yorkshire and would be honoured to show that this experience is not all doom and gloom.  I would love to help where I can.  I am having a sponsored head shave next Monday 22/02 to raise funds too.  It’s my way of showing that out of something bad, can come something positive.


looking forward to hearing from you.


Kind regards



Sara Williamson