I have for the past 3 yrs been raising money for our local breast cancer support group/breast care unit…we have had 2 sponsored walks which in total raised over £5000, a car show which raised over £1000, and various other small fundraisers…I decided to raise money for local unit as ALL the money raised goes to the cause NO deductions for anything…and my BCN discusses with me where and when the money is distributed.
This year though I feel people may be getting a bit fed up with the walk and asking for sponsors for as you know you find yourself asking the same people.
Another car show is out of the question too.
Has anyone got any ideas for anything new I could try…not anything on a grand scale…just something basic that people might be interested in.
If you have a deep sea world somewhere near you - I did a shark dive in one a few years ago - you and a couple of friends could do that. We went in the tank scuba diving with the sharks etc - fun but scary!!1
I set up our support group 11 years ago and we’ve had various fundraising events over the years even though that’s not our main object.
We’ve had 3 successful fashion shows with John Lewis providing all the clothes and a make up company offering their services, etc. I’ve been lucky as I have a friend who is a choreographer and instead of us just walking up and down there was a theme to each section (i.e. an aerobics workout for the sportswear, Liberty X’s ‘sexy’ to the underwear!). It’s hard work but really rewarding. We did this each time to an audience of 400 and made a lot of money.
Last year we had an ‘Indian’ dinner/dance with auction and raised over £13,000. We have two Hindu ladies in our group and they took care of the catering side plus organising a Hindu live band but bringing the two communities together was just as good as raising that money (for a blood counting machine). Also, last year, we had a stall in our market place where we had a tombola and rattle the tins and raised just under £1,000 to enable the breast care surgeon to buy a headlight for intricate breast surgery.
I’ve also (privately!) done a naff pink party where everyone (including the men) have had to dress up in the naffist pink outfits and had to pay to come to our house, pay a forfeit (the men) if they weren’t wearing blusher or pink lipstick and we had an impromptu auction as well of silly things. Considering there were only 12 of us we raised £300 for our hospital (that was around 7 years ago but people still comment on how good a night it was - plus we danced!)
Hope this has helped a bit - not sure whether they’re a bit too much?
hi, how about a nice garden party when the weather is a bit better? if you have a large garden or know someone who has one that would let you use it for a nice casual garden party, you could then have a raffle, tombola, guess the name of the doll etc
hi what about an auction of promises. yes hard work getting bigger items but smaller ones are for fun and raise money. i found an auction suits all ages and sexes. some simple ones we had didn’t cost people anything but time and raised money were pet minding whilst people go away and also watering of gardens during holidays, another one was someone offered to take people to the airport train station etc for their hols. of course this would depend on where u lived. i think a few smaller events are gt and still raise the money. another one we have had is balloon race and when we lived near river we had a duck race. take care.
Years ago my brother organised a steam train trip. Hired the train and sold tickets. It went on the Settle Carlisle line and over the viaduct. The tickets sold like hot cakes to steam buffs and local organisations. He made a packet for his local scout group building fund.