I start chemo on Tuesday but my Granma died today so there will inevitably be a funeral next week … if I start my chemo will I be ok to mix with large crowds at a funeral???
Hi angielav
Firstly, sorry to hear your news about your gran. Now ,to answer your question…as chemo affects your immunity levels you are right to be concerned, however, to mix with people very soon after your first chemo I think that you will probably be ok as your immunity shouldn’t immediately plummet as soon as the chemo goes in. DO be careful, avoid direct or close contact with anyone who appears to have a cold, avoid too many hugs (not easy considering the event), use antibacterial hand gel and don’t eat any of the ‘forbidden’ foods of there is a buffet (ask if you are not sure which foods they are - similar to those foods you must be careful with during pregnancy due to possible high levels of bacteria).
You will probably find that you can carry on more or less as normal at first (I can only speak from my own experience of course - I continued to work in a school for the first three chemos and luckily didn’t catch any nasties I just had to be careful and conscious of those around me - Ironically I had a short spell in hospital during the long summer holidays, after chemo 5 and at a time when I had little contact with anyone!!)
All you need to be is aware and careful.
Hope this helps, ask if you want any more info, hope all goes as well as possible on Tues and of course on the day of the funeral too.
Take care Hugs Suze xx
Dear Angielav,
so sorry to hear about your gran at any time but now is much harder. I had to see my MIL buried while I was in the middle of chemo. You are outdoors for much of it and also at this time of year hopefully not so many bugs around, so i think you will be fine on that score. Do however have someone to look after you on the day in case you need it. I had a horrible feeling of being totally alone and had quite dark thoughts at the burial part and for a time after. Even the vicar speaking to me became eerie. I don’t mean to worry or scare you but mine died of cancer and it hit home hard on the day. I needed a hand to hold right through. Big hugs from everyone on here, I am sure and I hope it goes as well as these things can
Lily x