Further discussion required

Had appointment today with consultant. All results arein MRI, lymph node biopsy, mamaogram. lump is approximately 5 cm and another can be seen on MRI in different position. Lymph nodes biopsy reveal cancerous cells and will require all to be removed. have another meeting next week as have to think about things. I have been considering mx, consultant said it would not be unreasonable to consider and could remove the other breast as well, iam quite large and feel that i would be rather unbalanced if they only took one. due to family history i have high risk of it recurring.
should i have the other lump tested?
if it was positive for cancer the surgeon said that it would be very difficult to remove bother lumps with lumpetomy.
would mx just be the easy option? mx would reduce my risk of it returning again to only a couple of percent.
things are very tense at home, my partner does not want me to be dissapointed and upset

Hi gg123

I’m sorry to hear that you are having a pretty tough time at the moment. I’m sure the users of this site will be along to support you soon.

In the meantime maybe you would like to talk to a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes BCC Facilitator

MX is not an easy option. No decisions we make T the moment are easy. I would speak to the BCN or the BCC helpline. Make sure that any decisions made and ones that you are completely happy with. There is no rush. Take a day or so to think it all over.

MX is not an easy option. No decisions we make T the moment are easy. I would speak to the BCN or the BCC helpline. Make sure that any decisions made and ones that you are completely happy with. There is no rush. Take a day or so to think it all over.

I agree with the above post re: talking to your surgeon more and your BCN. My lump was 5cm by 4cm and i had chemo first. There was not question from the surgeon re: mastectomy. He said it was a definite due to the original size and position of the tumour. What did he / she advise?
I also had lumps found in my other boob and they did a biopsy on them to make sure they were not cancerous.
Mx is not an easy option - but i had one with no recon. I think body wise it takes a while to adjust to - but i am doing just that. Adjusting.
Hope you get the answers you need from the BCN/ surgeon.

Hi gg, take your time to discuss all options with your surgeon, your bcn, your partner and family - it’s a big decision. I started off by having a WLE and ended up with a MX - this can happen sometimes due to not being able to get clear margins with the WLE. There is loads of good literature on this site, or there is a facebook group for younger ladies which is a great alternate source of info and experience - if you’re interested the link is facebook.com/ManchesterYoungerWomensBreastCancerNetwork?book… If you send a message letting them know you’re a younger lady (pre screening age) with a breast cancer diagnosis and that you heard about them here they’ll add you into the private chat group. May be see you there and good luck with your decision. The main thing to remember is that you can’t make a wrong decision, your team won’t let you.