I had the GCSF injection after my last chemo (injection 2nd October) due to low bloods and infection. Problem is today I have pain in my left shoulder, really quite painful, The leaflet with the injection said to contact doctor if get either abdomen pain or pain in left shoulder as could be sign of enlarged spleen. I called the hospital, but they didn’t seem too concerned and said to take my temperature and if ok to take pain killers, have done that but pain not going away and even though don’t want to panick but can’t seem to find anyone to call to ask for more advice. Any help appreciated.
ouch Julie (((( hugs ))))
not sure what to advise really - you could maybe try the on call doctor?
for the pain itself, maybe a wheat bag/ hot water bottle/ hair dryer might bring relief
hope you’re feeling better soon
love and hugs
x x x
I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about but it does specify shoulder pains are something to look out for. Are you able to pop to an A&E? they speed you through if you take your chemo records and it’s best to be safe?
Will see how goes overnight and call chemo unit in morning if still hurts. It does get you so paranoid all this, trying to keep a sane head but not working too well!! Have 3yr old in bed so don’t really want to disturb him.
Hi Ruth
Just read other thread about alison probably being on holiday so that is good and will hopefully stop you worrying. Might try the wheatbag!! Will be a nightmare with the hot flushes though, mind you probably wouldn’t mind a nightmare, atleast that means I will have been asleep!! Yes met Julie41 last week, she is lovely and in contact with a couple of others! Hope you are still feeling better and “the elders” approve!
Sweet dreams Julie, hope that as you relax the pain eases and that you have a peaceful night. maybe try half sitting?
(((((((((( HUG ))))))))))
love and hugs
x x x
Thanks, may give the lorazapam a bash tonight, try not to take any but it is calling me tonight. Going to go to bed in a minute, start a new book, finished one last night that took when had last chemo, person next to me suggested taking a different book next time I then realised the title of my book was “The Dead” probably not the best titled book to have took, didn’t even think!!LOL!
oh Julie !!!
that was just so wonderful
reminds me of watching my daughter go up for midnight communion in the year that we were just tightening up the gun laws after Dunblane. She had taken off her coat and managed to be thelast person in the line … her sweatshirt emblazoned with “Bullet in the Head”.
Hope you slept well and are pain free this morning
After taking temp and that ok took extra pain relief with lorazapam, was in pain in bed for a couple of hours but then managed to drift off, Doesn’t seem to hurt as much this am but have called my chemo ward and they are going to call me back.
Thanks again for reassurances etc.
Ruth - Thought I was bad!!! Did she realise what she had put on? bless her.LOL. Mind you picked up another book last night and may have to try to finish it in the next week b4 chemo, this one is called , wait for it “The Coffin Dancer” I am honestly Not a morbid person, just like by thrillers. May have to start taking my 3yr old’s books to bed with me and to chemo!!
Sorry to hear you’re in pain honey - definitely try one of those wheat bags - 2 mins in the microwave, and they’re lovely and warm, and really work. Will be ringing Vanessa myself later, so hope she’s sorted you out by then !
E-mailed you over the weekend - hope you got it, and bless you for saying I’m lovely ! - I do have my moments - LOL.
Glad you are feeling a bit better this morning Julie and that you got some sleep. Also glad you called the chemo team … if they are like mine they would much rather get 20 calls from you and for it to be just little things than for you to not call and miss something. If they don’t know they can’t help.
My daughter didn’t realise at all, was quite mortified when I told her. Fortunately i was right at the back so nobody saw me giggle!
Have you thought of making a dust jacket for your books (in the best blue peter tradition) - that way you won’t lose your book either.
love and hugs
x x x
Will have to see what wrapping paper we have around, will like be being back at school. Otherwise could just take one of my boys books and slip mine inside, people will just think I have got true case of chemo brain if reading somethink like “Timmy the Choo Choo Train”. won’t be so offensive as well.
Still waiting to hear from hospital and also just posted to “The Expert” but not sure if done that right.