general aches & pains on herceptin?

Every day I seem to feel a new ache somewhere, am presently having physio for shoulder aches - put down to tendonitis which I had before cancer dx - but I seem to be experiencing achey knees, sometimes one knee struggles to move when I try to walk. Also hip aching on same side off and on. Back aches, arm aches it just goes on and on.

I feel like a really old woman sometimes.

Are these common on herceptin? I finished taxotere in October and have since had mx and currently having rads.

Hey peacock

I think it is quite common to have aches with Herceptin and if you’ve got it in quite a few places then I guess it would be logical to assume that it’s the herceptin affecting you all over. Have you mentioned it to your physio - perhaps your back is out of alignment or something and it is putting pressure on other parts of your body?

I’ve been having Herceptin since April last year - initially I couldn’t really tell whether I felt boney pain from the Herceptin or the chemo (or the neulasta) as I had both together - but the pain didn’t last more than a few cycles. However, recently I have been feeling a bit ancient and my neck and shoulder seized up in the new year (it is fine now) but I do have a sore hip since my last Herceptin and a bit of bone creaking noises when I stand up. I guess the cold doesn’t help and I seem to be sore when it rains, probably the dampness. I wonder whether the aches increase as you have more Herceptin…

Sorry I can’t be of more help


Hi peacock,
Could it be the consequence of Taxotere. It really did gave me aches and pains all over. It took me a couple of months to recover from chemo.
The Herceptin has had no side effects on me so far. I have done 10. 8 to go.
As Ripley said, talk to you physio.
Good luck

I have had 11 cycles of herceptin and it wasn’t so bad at first but just recently I also have had achey knees and my feet and hands ache, especially my finger joint and toes. I think the cold doesn’t help. I went out walking on sunday and after about an hour I was struggling to walk. Strangely though walking always makes me feel better. I had yesterday off work because I was aching all over and today I do feel a bit better. Maybe it is a good idea to rest when the aching gets bad.
I could go on and on about my aches and pains, oh I have enjoyed that! I am only 43 but now I can chat away with my mum (64) about all her aches and pains!

Hello Peacock and all!

I too suffer general aches and pains, but am not sure whether I should attribute it to the Arimidex, Herceptin, or merely getting on a bit!

It seems to me that my aches get worse as the day goes on, and I am also getting very tired. I’m usually in bed by 9.30/10 pm, and have at least 8 hours sleep!

I’ve just completed my 16th Herceptin, and have one more to go (my Onc says 17 rather than 18 IS a year’s worth as Herceptin stays in the system for some time after completing a course). Hopefully, I might find a bit more get up and go once I’ve finished.
