According to Novartis The manufacturer of Femara and according to BNF and other standard books Most common side effects associated with the use of <a href=“”>femara (letrozole)</a> includes; Nausea, Vomiting, Hot flushes, dyspepsia, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, constipation, anorexia, depression, hypercholesteremia, raised sweating, alopecia, increased craving, peripheral oedema, skin rashes, bone fracture, osteoporosis etc
Less common side effects include tachycardia, high blood pressure, palpitation, cough, dyspnea, anxiety, insomnia, memory impairment, taste distrurbance, urticaria, pruritis, dry skin, urinary frequency, abdominal pain, thrombophelbitis, urinary tract infection, viginal discharge, vigina bleeding, pyrexia, breast pain, cataract, blurred vision, eye irritation, leucopenia, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, tumor pain, and general oedema.
Very rare side effect includes: arterial thrombosis, cerebrovascular infarction, and embolism.
Note:These are expected side effects occur while using femara it may not appear or there must be other side effects not listed here you should consult your healthcare provider.