I have been on Letrozole for about 5 months. Last week my pharmacist gave me a new brand, Ranbaxy. For a few days I have been feeling bloated, crampy and sick and that is the only thing that I can think has changed, I feel really rubbish.
I would like to go and ask my pharmacist to supply the old brand for the rest of the 3 month supply but stupidly I can’t quite remember the brand. I think ? it was Teva and the small white box had a dark blue stripe. Can anyone help please?
Bumping up
Sorry I can’t help C2010 but there are some long threads, probably in the hormone therapy section, about extra side effects when brands are changed. I’m on Arimidex and had to insist on going back to the branded product after my prescription was changed to the generic. I can’t remember but Teva may be the licensed version of letrozole? I’m sure someone can help you. Btw the reason the versions seem to get changed is because of cost cuts, which is fair enough if you don’t suffer any further problems but a real quality of life change if you do.
Teva has a white front with light blue on the sides and also a blue circle on front.
Femara was the first Letrozole I was prescribed and was on it over 2 years, now on generic which could be Rambaxy(didn’t do well on at all) Mylan or Teva, which is proving the best of the 3.
The contents are the same, just the coatings seem to be different.