Genetic Testing


Has anyone undergone genetic testing following Triple Negative diagnosis and treatment.

I have been referred by my surgeon, I have undergone the initial screening interview and am awaiting the blood test and consent form.

Feel I need to do it but wondered if anyone else has gone through the experience.

Thank you


Hi Loujp, They just took blood and tested for BRCA1 and BRCA2 with me but I think others on here were tested for those and other genes too, if no one pops on please use the ask the nurse facility for more info on what other than BRCA1 and BRCA2 they might test for. For me I wanted to know because it gives you options if you do have the gene and useful for family to know if there is a faulty gene. Mine came back negative. Sending Let us know how you get on and do what you want to do it’s your journey :two_hearts: :two_hearts: :sparkles: :sparkles: Shi xx

Hi LouJP

Yes, I had the genetic tests done following my own triple-neg diagnosis in February. They took blood and I signed a consent form. A little later I received a call from a genetic counsellor, to talk through the implications of what a positive test might mean for me. 

It can be a worrying time, wondering about all the ‘what ifs’, but in my case I thought finding out would set my mind at rest, one way or another. Try not to overthink it: the result comes soon enough, and there’s nothing you can do, really, in the meantime. Wishing you well xx

I had triple negative BC when I was 29, today officially diagnosed with another primary in the other boob at 43. I’m now eligible for testing, I asked for it when I was 29 but couldn’t have it back then. 

I want to know as I have 2 younger sisters and a daughter (she’s only 8). Waiting for the familial genetic unit to get in touch. Xx