Genetics - what happens at appt?


I’ve been reffered to a genetics clinic by my consultant to see if I’m likely to have the breast cancer gene. I was diagnosed in Oct 06 and have since had chemo and surgery (waiting to have radiotherapy & herceptin). My consultant thought that because of my age (35) it could be a factor in me getting bc. Can anyone tell me what happens at the intial appointment? I’ve filled in a family tree and my aunt (mums sister) also had bc at a young age (43).


When i went ( age 27) , the lady, who was lovely, just asked about my family tree, general questions re periods etc and then took some blood. They said it takes up to 6 months to come through but mine came back within 3 months saying i did not have the gene. It might though take longer if you do have it. Hope this helps


My family started the genetic testing in Jan 06, my mum was tested first (positive result in July 06). This followed with my aunt,uncle, cousin and myself also all being tested and all being positive with BRCA2. Mum and aunt have had BC but my cousin and I have both had preventative bilateral mastectomies with immediate LDFlap recon. I am thankful for the testing because atleast now me and my cousin are never gonna go through what our mothers went through. The genetics counsellors are very supportive.

All the best