

Georgia58 Georgia, I noticed your message at the tail end of someone else’s thread. I have asked to moderator to move it to your own thread so you get noticed. I have lung mets with many lymph nodes in chest involved too. I do not have liver mets or my trachea involved, so my condition is different. I just wanted to let you know that many girls here have been at this mets dx for quite a few years. Give yourself time to get your head around. We are all different in how we handle things. I know it took me months to straighten myself up. I have had my mets since Nov 05. Hugs, Funnyface

Hi Funnyface,
many thanks for the reply, sorry to hear you too have mets, it is very kind of you to reply and great comfort to know that other women are willing to discuss their condition too. I guess I have been in a kinda shock mode and looking on the black side, not like me!.
Have you had the chemo as welll this time and if so was it like the first
time round, it has been 12 years nearly since fist diagnosis so things have moved on a bit. Once again many thanks for the reply and good luck to you
As my 18mths grandaughter would say
Cuggles x Georgia

Georgia58 Hi Georgia, I celebrated 10yrs in Oct 05 and in Nov 05 was dx with the lung mets and lymph nodes in chest. Because I am ER+ the onc decided to try a hormonal first. My tumors progressed so he wanted me on chemo. He picked a combo of abraxane and avastin (I live in the USA). This combo shrunk the tumors some and I was no longer short of breath and had no more post nasal drip with cough. I have spent 11 months off chemo and my CT scan said the tumors were stable but my lung showed an increase in infiltration. I then noticed the post nasal drip and cough coming back so my onc said back on chemo. He gave me a choice of which drugs this time and I chose vinorelbine. I started this last Wed. With my original dx I was extremely tired and slightly nauseated. From the abraxane and avastin I had blisters on my head, hair loss, nail fungus, neuroapthy in, my arms and legs , nausea, constipation, and nose bleeds. This time so far on the vinorelbine I felt slightly tired the next day. I wish you the best of luck and how lucky you are to have a granddaughter. Wish I had one. Funnyface