For the last 3 years iv had stage 4 testicular cancer(germ cell cancer) Metastatic non-seminomatous germ cell tumour of testicle> BEP chemo, TIP chemo, GEMOX chemo. Residual tumour in neck, chest and abdomen thought to be mature teratoma causing mass effect and rapidly growing.
My original consultant at Christie’s in Manchester has been off since April 2024 die to health concerns and i have now been given a new consultant. The original consultant wanted me to have stem cell harvested as well as referring me to first stage clinical trials called National Target. However since i got this new consultant he has come in and has stopped everything. No more chemo, no more radiotherapy and has said no more surgery. But since May his left me in limbo mode i go in everyweek for blood test with no new plan of action and for face to face consultation but its the same response and same answers nothing changes.
I have asked for a 2nd opinion and the consultant has referred me to his mentor professor Robert Huddart at the royal marsden hospital in sutton. My concern is that as this is new consultant keeps saying based on his 5 years experience he has looked at every other avenue and thinks my time is short 3-4 months life expectancy and christies have done everything they possibly can. Is the time frame enough for royal marsden do do anything else or will they just look at what christies have done and push me to a side. As all research done so far have been conducted on 50 years plus people with other health conditions. Im a 28 year old with no health condition just the stage 4 cancer.
Has anyone ever dealth with royal marsden and what was the outcome like have they looked at past medical file and agreed to ot or done anything different treatment wise.