Getting affordable travel insurance and getting the word out

I lost my paramedic husband to misdiagnosed of pancreatic cancer and unfortunately macmillan was no support to us. I am again going through cancer this time with my mother. I have been researching and I have found travel insurance company that deals with chronic diseases and even terminal cancer, now macmillan are suppose to make you aware but on both occasions with my husband and mother they have not. The company is called Insurance With. I would like to promote the insurance company and even a lady who provides free mastectomy pillows to both men and women. My mum said she would of been lost without her pillow. Why are we not having this information in the chemo units? Cancer patients more than anything need a holiday but not one that you have to take a bank loan out for.
A lady who my mum has met through chemo hasn’t been able to go on holiday due to the £2000 insurance where as I had this also but managed to get my husband on a cruise for £120. I really want to get the message out there but I need help to promote this to all chemotherapy units in the UK and Ireland if possible.

Please feel free to contact me, I also have a Facebook Page called Staying Strong which you can find on my personal wall of Sarah Norburn

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Thanks for the insurance info, sounds just what we are looking for, however cannot seem to get into their website.

We have a place in Greece which is up for sale and we have to travel 3/4 times a year for maintenance, paying bills etc and have been travelling without insurance as we both have both been treated for cancer.



Thank you for your reply the link is hope you get sorted out

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we are going on a driving holiday in France and I’m looking for travel insurance. Worried my recent BC and ongoing endocrine therapy will make it super expensive. 
if you can share the details you mention re the travel insurance I’d be so grateful. Thank you very much