Getting bras post reconstruction, help please!

I am 8 weeks post double mx and reconstruction and siea flaps. I am still wearing my soft bra from asda. When can I get measured for a normal bra? I wore an old one on nye and had terrible markings all over my breast and I did t realise as it’s numb. I don’t want to wear post surgery bras as I’m only 42 and want to wear something prettier if I can. Advice please ladies!! Xx

Hi Shauna. I’m 6 months post MX and reconstruction. I tried wearing one of my ‘normal’ bras for an Xmas party. Couldn’t wait to get it back off at the end of the evening… so uncomfortable and left marks too. You can buy some quite pretty mastectomy bras though… they’re not all industrial looking. I think I’m going to be scouring the internet to get myself some and binning all my old bras…

Thanks everyone. Thought I’d be able to wear underwired again at some point, feel v sad! But it sounds like there is nice underwear out there that is comfy too! X