Getting myself in a tizz....

Hi Ladies,
I am 35 and I found a lump in my left breast, got referred to the breast clinic which is where I went today. The consultant thinks it is benign but I have a date for a mammogram on the 11th June (although they did also say that the radiologist would do a biopsy if she felt it necessary).

I have been reading through other posts on here and I have the BCC leaflet, but I have to say I am now getting myself in a bit of a tizz. A lot of things say that a mammo at this age might not be the best thing due to density - so why have one, why not do something else?!

I have been very pragmatic up to this point but now I am wobbling and my husband is working late because he came with me this morning. I wish I was having it done tomorrow to get it out of the way.

Thanks for reading x

Hi Catlover,
I’m sorry nobody’s answered you yet. I think it’s natural to hold it all together during the consultations, and then go a bit wobbly once you’re home on your own. The waiting’s definitely the worst bit. They must have had a reason to say they think it’s benign - did you have an ultrasound? Also 2 weeks seems quite a wait for a mammo so they can’t be that worried about you. I don’t really know about the density issues.
It’s always difficult at this stage to know whether to tell anyone, but one or two trusted friends on board at this stage could give you a bit of support and keep you busy and distracted as you wait.
You can always phone the BCC helpline during the day, or do they have breast care nurses working at the clinic? You could phone and speak to them.
I hope you manage to feel a bit less anxious as time passes, and all the very best,
big hug

Hi catlover

Welcome to the BCC forums. As Jacquie has mentioned in her post, you are welcome to call our helpline for further support and information on 0808 800 6000, the line is open weekdays 9-5 and Saturday 9-2.

Take care

Hi Catlover

Sorry you are having such a worrying time. I think it is quite significant that they told you it is probably benign - in my experience they are usually pretty cagey and don’t like to offer false reassurance - so they probably have good reason to think it is.

I know density is an issue for the under 50’s - which is why screening starts then. If the mammogram doesn’t give a satisfactory result, make sure you push for further investigations.

Good luck

finty xx

I would expect they will do an ultrasound too if there is any ambiguity from the mammo.

Hey Catlover75

I know that in the UK they tend not to do a mammo for anyone under the age of 35 due to breast density…but 35 & over then it’s standard.

I was 35 when I was eventually diagnosed, but didn’t have a mammo until just before my surgery & it was just to give my surgeon a clearer picture. I had already had an ultrasound the year previous & that was the only reason they gave me another ultrasound first, as they had something to compare it with.

I would try not to worry too much about it (easier said than done I know!)…having a mammo is standard for your age, but if your breast tissue turns out to be too dense to get a clear picture then they’ll do an ultrasound too.

Best of Luck


Thanks for your comments ladies.

I got myself out of my tizz and you are right they wouldn’t mention the word benign if they had doubts so I am looking on the positive side and have stopped dwelling.

Thank you!