Getting off Tamoxifen early

I have been on Tamoxifen for 9 1/2 years. I have fatty liver and I have changed my diet and upped exercise. My oncologist says tamoxifen has no effect on the liver. My PCP has suggested giving my body/liver a break. I stopped Tamoxifen a week ago but I am concerned if I should start back. On the other hand, I will be off of it in 6 months anyway. So what is the harm in stopping 6 months early to see if it helps my liver?

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Hi survivor10

Thank you for posting.

Some people do stop their hormone therapy early for various reasons. It sounds as though you have spoken to your oncologist about the fatty liver but it’s not clear if they are aware that you have stopped your tamoxifen, it’s important to let them know. They will be able to advise on the impact of stopping 6 months early as this will vary based on your individual circumstances.

Fatty liver and liver count changes are known possible side effects from tamoxifen. I wonder if you live outside the UK as I’m not sure who your PCP is, it sounds like this is similar to a GP (community based doctor) Your PCP may be able to speak to your oncologist for advice, if they are managing your tamoxifen treatment.

It’s good to hear you have changed your diet and increased your exercise, as well as helping the liver we know that having a healthy weight and taking regular physical activity are important for wellbeing and help to reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back (recurrence)

If you are based in the UK, please do call our helpline if you would like to talk this through or have any further questions. The helpline team have time to listen to your concerns, talk things through and signpost you to more support and information. Your call will be confidential, and the number is free from UK landlines and all mobile networks. The number is 0808 800 6000, (Relay UK -prefix 18001).

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Breast Care Nurse

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