Girl Vs Tamoxifen

Hi there,


    I started a blog almost two years ago to make myself accountable while trying to lose weight on Tamoxifen. The experiment was success, I’ve lost 5kg since then, going from 58.6kg to my current 53.3kg. The blog morphed into me rambling about Tamoxifen, side effects cancer, menopause, and keeping fit.

This week I had my 5 year check up with my surgeon and naturally, the conversation turned to whether I  should continue with Tamoxifen, switch to AIs or drop hormone therapy altogether.


I’ve decided to go with 5 years more. If you’d like to see my reasoning, follow the link…



I just came across your blog, and I just wanted to say I really like it.


I’m new to the forum (have just been diagnosed with BC and am waiting for initial blood test results, possible further tests, and everything else that will/might come after that). I’m not new to BC, though: my mother had it and sadly did not survive.


Given the outcome of my mum’s story, which has been difficult for me to cope with, I find it very very heartening to read about the experience of other women who have been where I am now and are still around to tell the tale.


In other words: Thank you!


All the best,