Living with Secondary Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Care is running ‘overview of secondary breast cancer’ day. The event is taking place on Wednesday 23rd April at Breast Cancer Care offices in Glasgow. The day provides an update on available treatments, information on physical activity, details of additional support and the chance to participate in a relaxation session. We are delighted that Dr Iain MacPherson, Clinical Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology from the Beatson will be hosting the medical session.
Sessions also run on a monthly basis with the chance to chat and share experiences with others with a secondary diagnosis. You’ll be able to talk openly with people who understand what it means to live with secondary breast cancer. It’s also a unique opportunity to increase your knowledge as we run longer sessions with guest expert speakers every other month. Topics include pain management, fatigue, benefits, and a side effects session with a clinical nurse specialist.
For more information or to register for of the Overview day or the monthly meet ups contact us on 0845 077 1893 or email
Best wishes