"Go Cake"


Does anyone know where I can find the recipe for this cake?

I saw it on here amongst a long list of helpful tips to ease the chemo sessions and side effects.

Can’t find that particular post now!

Found it now by using Google!

Hi Beenie,

You got me intrigued by mention of “Go Cake”, and I couldn’t find it like you did, by googling, so I searched inside these forums, n av found it now, on a thread called Tips for Dealing with Chemo, or a name similar to that.

So, have copied the recipe from that thread, and am posting it here, or anone who’s interested.

Lots of love,
Shelley xxx

This is the recipe:-

4oz All Bran, 5oz sugar, 10oz mixed dried fruit (basically whatever is in the cupboard – use a nice mixture) – apricots, sultanas, cranberries etc, lots of chopped prunes for extra “GO”. ½ pint of milk 4 oz self raising flour. Put All Bran, sugar and fruit into a bowl, mix, add milk and allow to stand for at least half an hour (while you recover from the physical effort so far). Sieve in the flour, mix well and pour into well greased 2lb loaf tin. Bake in moderate oven (180 degree c) for about an hour, until a knife comes out dry. Cover with foil after 30 mins if its browning too much. Turn out of tin and cool. Serve in thin slices with butter as thick as you like it!