Gobby Gang Cont


sh*t sh*t Sh*t

I know you havent been feeling well and I’m so sorry you have had this news

Feel horribly far away and am sending you all my love

I can come down any day apart from mon or tues if you need any thing atall

Dont have the heart to post anything else just hope Moira had a better time in onc

hang in there Kate we love youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Sorry havent been on here for a while…before i catch up with everyone else…kate my sweety thats abso shite and i know i cant say anything that will help…i feel so fecking useless!! And its even worse i havent checked to see how everyones doing! Kate lets hope the new meds help hey!

Thinking about you loads and load hun XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


Same as Sam, this is Sh*t upon Sh*t.

I am so sorry to hear your news, if you want or need anything, shout, and I promise I will do all I can to help. (like Sam wish I lived closer). After the school holidays I can easily book a day off work, am available for company, house work (UUURGH) or a fancy lunch.

Moira, are you home yet, hope your visit to Onc was better news.

Wishing for you both and thinking of the rest of the Gobby Gang,

Love to you all


Hi Lynn

we must have been typing around the same time.

Good to see you back on.


bugger Dearest Darling Kate

F*ck, F*ck and double F*ck – just read this as went out playing skittles last night with work.

I’m so very very sorry to hear your news – I had no idea you even had more scans and were doing the anxious waiting game.

I guess you had a feeling the news would not be good as your breathing had gotten worse – is it due to going off the vineralbine or just that it’s not working anymore?

I don’t want you to give up hope – seriously my friend – we are going to grow old together.

I don’t think you are ineligible for tykerb- I’ve had a quick look at this website and seems you are eligible for the capecitabine/tykerb expanded access.


This combo has been having some great success with the women on my US support group.

And if you can’t get on the trial- we’ll just pay for the drug – I am still awaiting my insurance cheque to clear – but am happy to help out when it does. Ask your oncologist about paying for it.

And as for only having 2 more options – gembacytin and carboplatin – baloney I say. I have heard heaps of chemo combinations that have had results where single chemo agents have failed. One that springs to mind is taxotere, herceptin, gemzar- which is what I’m going on next.

Plus have you asked about Avastin?

And have you thought about getting a second opinion in London? It just pisses me off when oncologists are so negative.

I received some setback news on wednesday – but I’ll post about it later as its clearly irrelevant in comparison to Kate’s news.

I hope this isn’t an end to our run of good luck.

If you need to talk – give me a call.

Love you


Message for Kate Hi girls so sorry to intrude… I have not posted to the Gobby Gang before but have read with interest your posts.

Kate - I am sure our paths have crossed in the past…in connection with an after school club committee…I am so sorry to hear the terrible time you have gone through, you were the first person my age that I was aware had BC and your experience has somewhat touched a chord…I am utterly impressed by how you group of ladies have coped, your posts are quite inspiring!

Anyway…to the point, I am in Southampton and would be happy to lend an ear at any time if it would help in any way…I am sure you have lots of close support but i felt I just wanted to offer, I have not used the site a great deal so dunno what you do to get in contact …

Take great care

Jan xx

kate x Hi kate,
hope you got my txt the other night, did’nt know what else to say!!
i’m going in for more reconstruction on the 13th and i’ll be off the whole week after so i can easily come to see you that week and maybe i can do something for you like debsy said, or even just a nice lunch.
please shout and rememember nothing is too much hassle,
love to you always
Claire xxx

Evening Ladies Kate if you get a chance to log on, I do hope you are being pamperered, spoilt, loved and hugged by your mum and sister and the kids are enjoying their cousins company. you have really been in my thoughts.

Moira, just got your 2 e.mails, glad to know I have finally cracked a certain amount of technology, Claire are you sure you didn;t get my e.mail it had my NY photos attached, have you changed e.mail address and how did your stay go.

Moira I too am intrigued and have been checking regularly, please let us know how your Onc appt was.

Tracey how is the new job going, Lynn how was Barcelona and Sammy how is the back?

Had Herceptin Friday, took 4 attempts to find a decent vein, they had to use the inside of my wrist in the end (the ones people usually slash) and it was really uncomfortable, but only 3 left, so not complaining.

Thought I’d better post, we were slipping and nearly knocked off the first page.

Love to you all


Evening all

Thanks Debs for posting - didn’t realise we were slipping off the front page - you know my thoughts on that…

Now its getting late again - didn’t get out of here until 9.30pm last night - just never seems to end. And I owe so many people emails…

Anyway I’ve just finished up the last of my urgent stuff and need to work out how to get this box of Boots stuff I got delivered to work - home. Its a lot heavier than I thought - need a car or a man. Might just cary it home as I bougt a heap if make up I’m keen to try.

Claire - before I forget - this woman on my US support group is asking me all these questions about the expander reconstruction. Did you havethat one - if so I might email you. I thought you did - but then I remember feeling a lot of breasts at hat younger Womens forum - so they are all merging into one. Though I do recall yours were quite spectacular.

How did the job interview go? Have you picked up your kitten?

Sammy - hows the back - what have you done this time? I need to email Alice - you 2 still planning a road trip to Bath for catch up?

Lyn and Trace - where are you - want to hear about exciting new jobs and Barcelona trips.

Kate - hope you had a good time in Folkestone and that you can feel the love from this group.

Re little old me - well interesting day in oncology last wednesday. Started off well - got blood first go and was in with the junior oncologist within 15 mins. So was plannig going to the canten for a hot lunch before my usual appointment with my counsellor. Sadly Jnr Onc is quite thorough and decided to do a full exam - oh I should add he had some 12 year old looking med student with him. So had to getpartially undressed - did the lymph node feel - that was apparently ok - and chest breathing - no comment - slightly worrying. especially as have been real short of breath - convinced I have lung mets.

Anyway afer that humiliation - Jnr onc took one look at my rash and declared I had to hang around until God (thats my senior onc aka Dr Death) arrived - as he was not happy about the rash. Needless to say by last week it was over my hands, arms, chest,. legs and face. yes I looked beautiful.

Well by the time God arrived 90 minutes later - he just took one look at me and screwed up his face as though I was some type of freak…When I showed him the backs of my legs he said “its like burns” - probably why it hurts so much…

So he has decided to take me off the chemo and ordered scans (no date set as yet). But I have a feeling the news is not going to be good - as have been in quite a bit of pain of late. In fact forgot to take my heavy duty pain killers down to RB’s on the weekend - just made me realise how much I actually rely on them and how much pain I’m in without them.

Anyway my oncologist is now starting to talk about other options - i.e…taxotere and even said trying to get me on tykerb. Of course I only realised the next day that he is talking about not restarting xeloda and going straight onto taxotere - which I really don’t want to start until I go home. I begged him to put me on a reduced dose - but he said he’d like to give me a complete break for 3 weeks to allow the rash to heal. Ah well at least I won’t be on chemo during Easter.

But from my point of view if my run on the xeloda is over - then that means there is one less treatment option for me - bringing me ever so closer to curtains…

So damn and double damn.

Anyway that was my news from oncology - it felt so irrelevant in light of Kate’s news - I couldn’t be bothered telling you last week…

I’m off on friday to the Lakes District with RB - I hope you have a really lovely Easter all.

We defintely need to get together ASAP.

Sorry my arm all of a sudden got really sore - but have been legal genius all day - so must sign off.


Oh, cant believe how c**p ive been and how much ive missed. Firstly Kate and Moira, am so so sorry to u both for ur news, that is just so s**t and unfair. Hang in there and dont give up there is always Moiras miracle to hope for. Am feeling for you both and honestly just dont no what to say. If there is any thing i can do for either of you just shout and im there (although u may be better to text me at the moment as not online very often).
Kate have a great time in Folkestone, and Moira at the lakes. Take some time for yourselves to rest without worrying about families and partners, u both need some u time to reflect and deal with things without trying to deal with it for others at the same time. I just really cant believe how c**p it is for u both and how fantastically u both deal with it all. U r an inspiration to the rest of us.
As for the rest of u, wow, too much news to keep up with after being off line for so long. Great photos Debs and glad u enjoyed it. Fantastic fundraising Claire and glad u finally got the kitten u want. Sammy hope u and pickle feeling better. I told my new employers i had had breast cancer, but they cant not employ u based on this as we are covered by discrimination act. Sorry i havent been in touch to arrange that beer - soon, i promise!!!
Lyn how was barcelona, and sorry to u too for not being in touch for that rearranged date in soho!
Now, for my excuses - Still slogging away at the flat in every spare waking moment as well as desperately trying to complete my course work for reflexology…on top of this have started new job - that i am absolutely loving and it was totally the right decision despite many wobbles and alot less money (so go for it claire). Also training hard for moonwalk, am up to 15 miles now in just under 4 hours and have lost 15lb in 4 weeks! Am so impressed with myself have now registered for scottish half marathon this sept. If i complete this its then the full marathon next year followed by my ultimate dream of the himalayas and everest!!! Dont really feel right going on about me thoi with all that u guys are going through…so am gonna shut up for now. Cant make any of those dates as believe it or not dont have a free weekend until after 2 june, but go ahead and meet without me.
Claire are u still doing the walk and how is training going?? We will have to meet there (maybe u guys could meet us at the finish!).
Love and huge huge hugs to u all. Love u loads Trace .x

Moira, your news is most certainly not irrelevant, you are having a sh*t time too. Lets hope your little break will clear the rash and I am sure when God screwed up his face it was because he was in awe at just how beautiful you are. Have you agreed to start the Taxotere here, I’m sorry but really haven’t got my head around the other meds, still hoping to proove my Onc wrong. Enjoy your Easter break with RB and be a pampered goddess, loads of new beauty products, the lake district and red wine, all sound good to me.

Love to you


p.s. and yes another get together sounds good, as usual I am pretty easy except for the bank holiday weekends. if dates suit one of OKH work weekends I will use emotional blackmail again.

lost message again, luckily I had copied and pasted and then found Traceys message, well done on weight, if you fancy marathon next year I may well join you, everything at the mo just depends on when I can get bloody recon, glad job is going well and good luck to you and claire for the moon walk.

Happy easter to all,
wether it be christian or pagan! I think I know what most of us are!!

Moira me love

I dont think your news was trite at all. Did you get my garbled text? Are you thinking of cutting your work hours back before you start the new chemo? Please start putting your needs first and think about what you need to do. How about chatting to that mac nurse, she seemed on the ball, although a little blunt… I know you dont want to think about not working as you have all the way thro, (god knows how I am just about to quit as cant cope with measly backache let alone anything else)

I take it the rash was a reaction to the xeloda and thats why you need to come of it. Chemo is such a blunt instrument.

As debs says, lets get together soon… and Trace you are a star, well done on the fitness thing and new job, all sounds fab.

Can we have some prayers/voodoo/bribery/crossed fingers/ anything for some change in fortune for our girls please


hello my lovely ladies and co super stars!!!
shocked that anyone else reads our gabble but i nearly cried by what bexie said, how lovely!! have to tel RH that i’m an inspiration next time he tells me that dinner was s**t!! ha ha
Ah Moira, what they gonna do with you!!! throw you on the scrap heap i reckon! i’m here whenever you want, dont be afraid to phone and rant, i have a very good ear!
My recon was done by using my back muscle with an implant that i have a port to inflate it as its gone down a couple of times. my mum had an expander implant as she had a standard mastectomy which does take quite a bit of skin, luckily i had the skin sparing so did’nt need to strecth the skin too much, she said it was a little umcomfortable but then had it changed after about 6 months for a normal implant.
Hope Kate is having a lovely time and relaxing the best she can, thinks of her loads!
Lynn, how you doing hun? i’m still here and waiting if you want to come over still.
Trace, my walking buddy!!! your so good, i dont find time to do much training but the most i’ve got to so far is 5 miles in an hour and half. will try and do some more over this weekend. I too think all the girls should meet us at the end of the moonwalk to celebrate with some champers, what do you reckon girls???
Debs, i’ve txt you my new email address, have you not recieved any of my funny mails recently?
Sam, hello hun!!!
I’m having a boring weekend as not got anything planned and off work until wed, then in for 2 days then nipple reconstruction on the friday, its RH birthday on the sunday so i’ll tell him thats his birthday prezzie, that’ll save me some money that i could spend ono myself!! (ha ha, i’m such a bitch!!) i am a bit apprehensive about this new nipple but i might as weel just finish the job and like moira said, they are a good pair of tits!!
I really think we need to organise a meet, does everyone else fancy a spa weekend or rather just meet up like last time?? i’m easy but we need to organise something pretty soon as before we know it people will be off on more hols and it get more difficult. i’m quite happy for people to come to me and have a girls night in when my hubby is working. let me know.
Speak soon and dont eat too much chocolate (oh, i’ve lost half a stone in 2 weeks too)
loves ya
Claire xxxx

Oh, kitten will be ready in about 3 weeks and favorite name this week is ‘Tallulah’ !! xx


Hey all…right Kate I hope you’re having a relaxing time in folkestone no falling asleep with your ipod on though lady :slight_smile: no really thinking bout you ever day loads!

Moira babes i feel crap cause im not read us as much as you on different combos its normally you saying have you asked about this that and the other…Oh sweety didnt realise you were in so much pain! I know this f in thing doesnt pay the bills but try and take it easy workwise this is your life babes at the end of the day!

VVV envious of all NY pics! Im defo booking up to go in september fro 2 weeks wana go down the east coast!

Claire sweety im trying to organise coming to yours but work is so manic and i cant get working from home (moira is now going kettle…black…) my boss has either cancer or chrones dis and has been signed off so im the only person who know whats going on! Bah but WILL sort something hun promise promise!

Tracey defo sort out soho trip :slight_smile: let me know when you’re free.

Oh my god see chemo brain still i get to hear and i completely bloody forget what everyone else is up to! Debs i hear you on the vein front they use that vein all the time…when they’re not tryingt o kill me by shoving it in my artery! Do you have bad side effects with herceptin?

Sam me mucker hows safff london?? :wink:

Healthwise seem to be ok, hot flushes STILL peeing me off wworse bloody thing about it all. Looks like i have to have op to sort implant out but trying to delay as much as poss! convinced somethings not right with my lungs they’re feeling abit funny cant explain it better than that but im para about my lungs and i need to stop smoking! think im addicted to my pain killers cause im taking em for fun some days bad i know so my mom is goin to have a word with my doc to see if i can get weened off them tut they spoil all my fun i should be a quiet addict!..my grandad got his 5 year all “clear” last week he had BC i got the dodge genes off him and because of this he cries all the time cause he feels gilty but he’s my man so i tell him no way look at all the cool genes i got off him too :slight_smile: …bad news on my cousin front…hes now only weeks to live and is bedridden…not even a year since 1st diag and he’s been told her wont reach his 28th bday im trying to deal with that its hard though…

Right me barcelona was top! and i got me legs out in sitges cause it was 24 and the local were all in wolley jumpers and scrafs looking at me giving 2look at the stupid english person"…but loved it got to be my fave city! Aprt from that been working like a trooper! the not having a RGF has helped im so much happier and smiling alot! Oh and got rid of irish bird…and im kind a seeing a copper tis the uniform…well it keeps me fit and on my toes which i need and i was going to make a really crude joke about replens but i wont! :slight_smile:

right Moira hun when are you in london i cant find your post?? And when are we meeting up next?? I was thinking about heading toward southampton to see you kate if you’re up for a visitor and anyone else wants to join??

Right big love to you all! Copper has come a knocking to take me for food!

Love lynn xxx

Updating Hi Thanks for all your messages.
I had a brill time in Folkestone and managed to catch up with 2 school friends - one I hadn’t seen for about 20 years!! I was her bridesmaid and I don’t think i ever saw her again!! Don’t ever invite me to be a bridesmaid. I’ve been a bridesmaid twice and both marriages ended up in divorce!! My sister did the sensible thing and I was a witness and they’re still happily together.
Finding it hard to judge when to take the xeloda. it’s supposed to be 12 hours apart and after meals (since I don’t get up till 9am and have dinner about 7pm it’s hard!) I have found it has to be a substantial meal or feel sick or have the runs so now have to have toast after cereal and then more food again before I go to bed. I was trying to lose weight but think I will give that up!!
My blood protein levels are low - have no idea what that means and when I asked I was told it was because I was ill - intelligent these oncs!! I feel it is a bad sign a presumably this bl**** cancer is eating up all my protein supplies.
Well, through this site I’ve managed to catch up with somebody else living locally that I used to run the after schoolclub with. The way this disease is hitting the under 50s in my area is scary. I told hubby that if they find an environmental cause (we all live in the fallout area of an oil refinery) then he must sue. I can’t believe this is just a statistical blip - there are 2 many young people with bc in this area.
Had a great time in Kent at wildlife parks - I love gorillas but not their smell. One male kept pelting us with pee filled straw and it was all I could smell for 48 hours when I got someone to clean my boots and rewash my jeans!!
Moira- I had to wait until my return to find out what had happened to you. It was very important that you tell us and so please don’t hide news like that again. Do you feel happy about the taxotere route now? Could you do the carboplatin/gemthingy first? Hope you reduce your hours etc/ I was very touched - actually I cried when I read your offer to help me. I will see the chief honcho next time and chase up the tykerb thing as I dobn’t think what the other one said about the vineralbine is true. I am seing my GP next week so will ak for a second opinion as well. The gp surgery cocked up again. I asked for a repeat prescriptiojn for amytryptilline and ended up with more prozac, Hubby had collected it and I didn’t realise as I was away until yesterday so had to phone the out of hours service and got a presciption faxed to the pharmacy in Sainsburys. I htink I must be a marked woman as they didn’t question my request at all and they don’t have access to mediacl records so wondered if I’m on a sort of critical list as they were so unusually helpful as if they knew about me!! Scary stuff.
Meeting up - anyone is welcome to come down and I’m still capable of travel and would love to meet you all again soon. Not sure I could do a spa weekend as have too many health probs now but the rest of you just go ahead.
throw some dates around and perhaps we will have to have mini meets.

Evening ladies and hope you all get a visit from the Easter Bunny tomorrow.

Kate sounds like you had a good break, you certainly deserved it.

As for this crap disease in younger woman I don’t know if it is in certain areas, I know 2 other mothers in thir 30’s who have been diagnosed with BC at my kids school in the last couple of years and 4 months after me a work colleague was also diagnosed at 35. My Onc says it is getting younger and they do not have an explanation.(YET!!!)

Well I have been busy, you will all be proud of me, I put together a 12 ft trampoline (okH helped a little but was working) so I did most of it myself including the frame work and 80 springs. But you’ll laugh at this, had to give it go as you do and started bouncing around and realised after 2 stressful childbirths that my bladder and pelvic muscles are absolutley crap, I had to get of quick before I peed myself infront of daughter and school friend. Will have to remember to pee fisrt especially if under the influence of alcholol. Took the kids bowling on Friday and got beat both times and went bag packing today for 2.5 hours with sons football team at local supermarket to raise some money. I am cooking for 10 tomorrow, so will hopefully just veg out on the sofa all day Monday ready for work Tuesday.

Tracey good to see it was worth changing jobs and I will sponsor both you and Claire £10 each for your moon walk, the idea of meeting at the finish line sounds quite good, whats the date and expected finish time and would the pubs be open??

Kate what would suit you better for a re-union? are there any good restaurants or male strip joints you can book us into.

Claire got yout texts and pics, they look good, what is happenning with RH, I think I have lost the plot and am confused.

Picked up our photos today from the family session, they are fantastic, can’t scan the one of the 4 of us due to the frame, but it is a lovely picture, very striking.

Must sign off and go to bed, I am knackered (and a bit hung over) had a couple of friends round last night for a quite drink and you know how it goes.

Hope we can all get together soon

Love Debs

being Poodilicious!! i’ve just sent you all an email. Please can you read and respond!!
My niece came up with the phrase ‘poodilicious’ for my hair and I think that sounds so much better than anything else.
Debs - I had the same experiece of bladder misfunction on the trampoline at the children’s farm with my daughter and her friend. I had to make a quick exit to the loo and could only walk in a very peculiar fashion. I’m sure that’s why none of the other women had a go!!!
Lyn - I’m so sorry about your relative - course I can not remember which rel but i am very sorry. it’s all a nightmare isn’t it. Sorry about work. I am so lucky with my employer since I’ve been here. Can’t say the managers I had in folkestone being so symapthetic. hope you’ve got another holiday booked.
Trace - I’ll stump up £10 for you for the moon walk. Really pleased that you are enjoying your new job. It does often pay to follow your heart.
Claire - Same for you £10 for moonwalk. Love to see you and everybody else if you feel like popping down.
Moira - hope the lakes was good. Bet it was busy tho. Enjoy your chemo free time. I’m waiting for another CT scan as well.
Sam - hope your hand has improved. You do have to be careful with straining and repetitive movements with your arm or else the dreaded lymphoedema will caome. Hope your back is better.
Off on Easter egg hunt now at a garden centre thing!!

Hello Ladies,

Well I have been busy replying to e.mails and texts and have even been on line to check out train timetables, if we agree on a date I can get the cheap advance tickets, Kate let us know which is the best train station to aim for.

Lynn meant to reply to you the other night but wasn;t really sure how to word (still dont) but didn’t want you to feel ignored. Really sorry to hear your update on your cousin and I bet it’s bloody awful and frightening for you to see him go through this evil. I lost a friend recently, same age as me but brain tumour, I found it very hard and upsetting to visit her in the hospice (it scared the sh*t out of me). I don’t want to start a rant, but I am very disillusioned at the moment.

On a lighter note, glad to see your sex life is as good as ever and Barcelona went well,

Hopefully we will all be able to make the re-union.


post Easter glutony Hello there my lovelies

Yes I survived my Easter over indulgence and even have time to post tonight to my favourite group of lovely ladies¦

Now – you’ve all been so busy posting over Easter I don’t now where to begin.

So I’ll start with Kate – glad you had a good time in Folkestone – don’t think you have the market cornered on being a bad luck charm for weddings. Any wedding I’ve been invited to and unable to attend has ended in divorce. So if you’re thinking of getting married – only officially invite me if you know I can definitely attend.

In terms of taking xeloda – I never bothered too much about the 12 hours apart thing – I took it when I got up and before I went to bed - whenever that was. I think having low blood proteins is a good thing – from recollection herceptin attacks the protein on our tumours – so being deficient in blood protein could mean you are starving your tumour?? Just trying to look on the bright side. So what are they recommending to deal with it?

Interestingly your theory about oil refinery and breast cancer. About 6 women got bc who worked at the ABC (BBC equivalent but better – just riling you all) radio station in my home town of Brisbane - about 2 months ago they finally shut it down - after denying for years breast cancer was linked to the workplace - they finally admitted there was some sort of cancer cluster. I think it’s interesting that there can be a cancer cluster – whatever that means. Personally for me - I waste absolutely no energy trying to figure out why I got this - I have it and I need to deal with it. I don’t have time or the energy to pursue potential causes – cos I will never know one way or the other what contributed to it. I know it might give some people some relief or comfort, but not me. I just put it don’t to sh*t bad luck.

Claire – got your email but was to busy eating easter eggs to reply. Of course I’ll sponsor you for the moonwalk – I quite like the idea of hooking up at the end. When is it again? I like Cleo for your kitten’s name - Tallulah just reminds me of Demi Moore’s kid - I’m sure that was one of their names or a middle name for Scout or Rumour¦.

Good luck with the surgery on friday – I look forward to seeing your new nipples¦

Debs – your trampoline story made me giggle – but don’t get me started on bodily functions. Get your kids to get the family photo electronically so you can send it to us. How was your cooking for 10 – did you get to mooch around yesterday then? You are a drinking inspiration – keep up the good work.

Lynn- nice to hear from you – sorry to hear about your cousin – I will stop my moaning now¦well just for a bit. I thought I was addicted to my pain killers as well – didn’t help when someone said tramadol was an opiate - so hence tried to ease off them – but then was in more pain – so now just going with the flow and taking them constantly. Though have to say they haven‘t worked at all today.

Glad to see you have got rid of all RGs and that your uniformed G is treating you well. Mate I can so identify with the uniform thing I am seriously suck a sucker for them. Love anyone in a uniform. When I was a criminal lawyer (and you thought I was admitting to a criminal past cos I am Aussie) – I spent every day in court surrounded by uniforms. I was in heaven – hence I loved my job.

I love Barcelona as well and glad to see you have NY lined up for later in the year – you are quite the traveler aren’t you. What is going on with your work – your boss has cancer – is she trying to out-cancer you? How bizarre - maybe you have cancer cluster?

Trace – glad the new job is going well. Had no idea you were doing a reflexology course¦sorry – sometimes I feel completely selfish and that’s its all about me. How are things with RF? Has he moved back in? if nothing else – is he helping with the renovations? I had I idea you had Everest aspirations – I would love to just make it base camp – but might have to be helicoptered in. Have you read Jon Krakauer’s “Into Thin Air - that got me so addicted to Everest?

Sammy – got your text thanks – think it was a night with no reception – so couldn’t respond. How’s your shoulder – are you still working – I forgot to ask that – how is the pickle? I am in Chippenham the next 2 weekends – so if you and Alice are thinking of doing a Thelma and Louise – those next 2 weekends suit.

Now onto me – my Easter was fantastic - 4 days of glorious sunshine - a lovely cute B&B overlooking a pond and willow trees - beautiful big breakfasts, days out visiting the Lakes, Hadrians Wall - afternoons in sipping tea and playing scrabble, before heading off to the local pub for dinner, then home and relaxation. Thankfully we had two tvs - so RB was watching the US Masters downstairs - I was in bed watching my favourite shows.

I didn’t want to come back and RB was quite lovely - we really had a nice time. We got back yesterday and went straight to the golf shop - he needed a new indoor practice driver or something (see I am golf widow) - then headed over to his sisters - where we ate bbq and I hugged his 2 month old nephew for about 4 hours. He’s so cute - I seriously would love a baby… And guess what - my ovaries are not dead. After disappearing for about 7 months - they returned today…I was somewhat surprised then realized of course it’s because I’m off the chemo¦

Maybe it’s a sign I will have cancer miracle - be in remission and have a baby.

Mmm – ok back to reality - not going to happen – I cannot be in this much pain and be well.

And got home from fab holiday yesterday to little brown envelope - not good as I knew that was my appointment for ct scan. I thought I won’t open it = don’t want to spoil my holiday - thank goodness I did as I’m booked in for ct scan tomorrow…nice notice period…Anyway back in oncology next Tuesday - so hopefully will get results then - so only 1 week of sleepless nights and complete panic.

Nothing much else to report - today very boring - flew by which is good cos I feel crap. Oh I did spend an hour talking to our work pensions adviser - I had to open with “I have terminal breast cancer and I want to access my pension”. Its actually a really horrible thing to have to tell people - he said all the obligatory “sorry” words - but then I felt bad for making him feel bad. Weird or what? Though he lost my sympathy when he wanted to know how terminal I was - or my expiry date…

So shall leave it there for tonight - as need to get home and sleep - though will get stuck into my new serial killer book (think I mentioned my morbid fascination with such people). Anyway RB came to bed last night and was giving me cheek - so I just turned to him and said “I’m reading a book about serial killers and getting tips - don’t piss me off”.

Until laters my little alligators.


PS re catch up – best time is weekends after 5th May – I know one of those weekends is a bank hol – which Debs can’t do – Trace can’t do any until June – so can we do the non bank hol in May in Southhampton – Kate we’ll come to you my dear.

Tracy and catching up Morning All

Just a quickie.

Tracy – firstly sorry for my prattling yesterday – had no idea you had found lump/s and were in a panic. I was more impressed by the fact you had your oncologists home phone number – how did you get that? Anyway hope it all goes well today – assume you will have the tortuous 1 week wait for results?

We can share results at the same time.

In terms of catching up – I think most of us are go for sunday 13th May at Southampton – Poodilicious - can you please confirm this suits you and you aren’t off on some Morris Minor rally¦ I will probably come to London on the Saturday and do some catch up with other friends – then bum a lift to Southampton.

Anyway got go and drink some foul liquid.

Catch you laters alligators.
