God - I had a good night tonight!

I’m sooo not going to let this bu**ering C get me down! Tonight was fantastic - my 6 year old and I went to the theatre and saw a pantomine, his first time. It was fab… Bring it on… My Hubby just reminded me we have other things to do.

x to you all

x x x

that’s brilliant Katie :slight_smile: xxx

It was the local am dram production and was so funny.
Reading my post it looks like me n hubby were going to do something interesting but it was getting stuff ready for today!

Hi Katie, that’s the kind of post that is uplifting to read. It reminded me of times when my own girls were small. Thank you for jogging my memory. GHlad you had such a lovely time. I hope you have more days like this. Love Val X

I am so pleased for you Katie that you enjoyed yourself so much. Sometimes it can be simple, ordinary things that give us so much pleasure.

R xx

So glad you had a great time, I love panto especially the am dram kind! Sounds so good I may have to find one in my area!
:slight_smile: Jackie

Hi Katie,

Thank you - you have just brought back loads of happy memories. As a small kiddy I loved our local pantomimes. Aged 10 I was asked if I wanted to take part in them (I went to dancing school, and the panto club included quite a few family members). I was enchanted! I did pantos and other shows/concerts for the next 7 years, and it was a large and fun part of my growing up. I also got involved in painting scenery and stuff. I had forgotten so much about it, and I am really pleased you made me think about it again.

So glad you and yours had a lovely time. Rachy’s so right - quite often it is the simple things that are so rewarding :slight_smile: