Going abroad after rads

Hi all

I am planning to go to greece on holiday 10 days after rads finish. Onc said it would be fine but specialist nurse said its too soon. Has anyone else gone away this soon after rads and was it okay?
I have been looking forward to this so much I will be gutted if I can’t go. I would obviously keep covered and sit in the shade!


I went away a week after rads last year. I was fine, but my skin was fine throughout rads. By the end of my 20 sessions it was just a bit pink. I didn’t particularly keep it covered up either (I know, bad person), just used the usual sun cream that I ususally use.
So I think it will depend on how your skin is. My skin generally is quite tought, I don’t burn easily. I have since has 2 more holidays in the sun, one in Greece and one in California and both times, not a problem.
12 months on you would never know that I had had anything like rads on my skin.
Also, whilst I was having rads last year it was good weather here and I used to sit quite happily in the garden sunbathing and never had a problem.
Sounds like your specialist nurse either doesn’t like the sun or jealous that you are going away.

Hi Carabel,
I went away last summer less than a week after finishing my rads. I was very careful in the sun but it was very hot and i was fine. I think if you take good care of yourself and use a high factor sun cream you will be Ok and you probably feel in great need of a holiday!
I did struggle a little bit with my prothesis rubbing against my rad burns when I was hot and sweaty ( lovely subject!) so if you still have it you could take the softy that you wear straight after an mx rather than a prothesis.
have a lovely holiday x

Did you have chemo? I went away to the Carribean after chemo & RT 9 years ago but I did find the heat difficult to deal with & felt extremely tired, whether this was due to the RT or chemo I don’t know but I am going through the same treatment again & I wouldn’t risk a holiday somewhere hot & faraway again. Maybe if you had just RT you will be ok, hope so anyway.

Thanks bizzylizzy. Yes I had chemo. Last one three weeks ago and due to start rads on 5th August. Sorry you are having to go through this again.

Thanks alll for your replies.
Bizzylizzie I did have chemo ( last one was on 5 July) and rads start on 5 August. Sorry to hear you are having to go through this as well.
I guess I’ll need to wait and see how my skin holds up and decide at the last minute.

I was told not to swim in public pool till at least 6weeks after rads as the chorine could irritate my skin and also there is a risk of infection, also to use the highest factor and cover up or sit in the shade.

What did you use as deodorant? I live in the Mediterranena where temps are over 40 now and will be having rads - I have some 100% aloe vera gel but how do I stop myself smelling?

I had my lympth nodes removed so I don’t sweat under that armpit, and then under the other arm I use my normal deodorant,

I had all my lymph nodes removed too but still sweat on that side - ??

I had axillary clearance 9 years ago on R side & still sweat under that arm now had clearance under the L arm it’s still numb & sore but expect I still sweat…just use normal deodrant…

Hi Sascha, I live here in Saudi and whilst the temps are about 47 C, whilst on rads I only used Johnsons baby talc on the unaffected armpit. I showered with just plain water about 3/4 times a day. I also used factor 50, didn’t go out in the sun at all and wore an large brimmed Aussie Noosa hat if I had to go out. I didn’t swim in the pool as the pool has goodness knows what in the chemicals… love and hugs…xxxxxxxxxx

Your Onc said it’s ok so it’s ok. You also need a break. My mom’s friend went on a vacation also a week after chemo so I know it’s fine. Just don’t wear out yourself.