i was just wondering if anyone else has heard you can go back to work shorter hours but be paid fulltime.i still have 1 more chemo and 5 weeks of rads but would like to know what my options are.
Hi Wendy
I went back to work part time for full time pay - did it through OHS. As soon as I started this, my sick time stopped so this gave me more sick time to play with than the 6 months full pay. I went back 1/2 way through my chemo, non clinical (I am a nurse). OHS and management were supportive.
Hope this helps
Love and good wishes
Hi Wendy
I returned to work after chemo and rads, but i used some annual leave, started on 3 days a week ,will increse it to 4 and then to 5. Have not got to do night for a bit thank god, i am ready for bed about 9pm!! I am a mental health nurse.
I would have found it difficult to work during rads as i had to travel about 35 miles each way and at one [oint i was going 3 -4 times a week .
Hope all goes well with you
Sarah x
I too returned to work at the beginning of Sept exactly half-way thro’ chemo. I returned on a flexible basis working as and when I could. I’ve now built up to 25 hours a week. My employers have been fantastic and I did return to work on full pay. Still not planning to return to full-time until after my rads in the new year.
Good luck
I am 8 weeks post tram flap surgery. I am currently on SSP. I was thinling I might go back part time for a couple of weeks and then full time. This will happen in Dec. What is OHS (sorry im stupid) I cant see my employer paying me full time for t less hours, they will be flexible in my duties I think so I am not on my feet all day.
While I am here does anyone know if I can get income support when I go back to work
Louise x
Hi Louise
OHS is Occupational Health Service
Hope your work is supportive - I work for NHS so not sure who you work for and what smaller companies etc would have to do - but I would assume even if you are on SSP - that would top up your income if your work wastnt paying you full time - but def dont quote me on that one
GOod Luck
I will be hot footing it to the CAB soon. i have no idea about benefits as I have rarely used the system. I have no idea how some people can defraud the system I can barely negociate the forms for things I am entitled to.
Will also discuss with work, we are a fairly small company 30 emps some of them p/t. But they do everything by the book.
I think it depends who you work for. I work for the NHS and had used up all my sick pay, so had to use annual leave for my phased return. With my particular trust, if you have sick pay left, then this can be used in lieu and you will get full pay. The occupation health team were really helpful in this respect. However, my friend who has had breast cancer, also works for the NHS, but with another trust. They have been far more tightfisted and won’t let her use sick pay to top up pay on her phased return so she either uses up annual leave or has her pay adjusted. I would think with the private sector, the rules will differ considerably.
I also work for the NHS. Am on half pay at the moment. Have met with occupational health and am due to
return on 5th Jan. I will immediately be on full pay and have a months phased return without using annual leave
i have left. My charge nurse said after my phased return i can use these annual leave days to work perhaps 2 days a
week or however i choose.( i work 30 hours over 4 days) I am obviously very lucky in that respect. I will have been off sick 9 months by
the time i return. 3 years ago i was off sick for a year following breast cancer dx. This time off has been due to
a dx of kidney cancer then a radical nephrectomy.
Isn’t it shocking how much this varies within the NHS.
Was AFC not supposed to “harmonise pay and conditions” Hahaha!
I will be going back in Dec on my 3rd phased return in 18 months due to 2 previous surgeries to a broken foot.I have not had to use Annual leave or sick pay for any of my returns.(just hoping the powers that be are not reading this or I probably will!)
However I have a grievance under way as I was not paid correctly according to AFC from my first sick leave in Dec 2006!
I was diagnosed in Feb, WLE and node biopsy in march. I have always worked full time but in june last year moved from Essex to Norfolk to a new GP surgery after 16yrs in previous practice. To my horror i discovered i have now used my 2 weeks sick pay and 2 weeks half pay and am now on SSP only! I go in again tomorrow for axillary clearance as results showed it had spread and then 5 days later having hysterectomy as found something in my ovaries and uterus too. I’m unlikely to be back to work until sept at least after chemo and radiotherapy - have been told by work i wont be allowed to go in between chemo cycles either - would probably get more if i was unemployed claiming benefits!! So much for working hard all your life and paying taxes!!
Nothing like being kicked while you’re down hey?
It definitely depends on who you work for. I worked through all of my chemo and rads, despite having 25 rads treatments and having to travel a long distance each day. This also meant I had not used up very much of my sick pay. However, when I wanted to come back to work after my Mx on a phased return I wasn’t allowed to do so on full pay. My GP then signed me off for longer as I wasn’t prepared to lose money over this decision. I would definitely speak to HR of your company or you line manager as it really does differ from place to place.
Good luck.
K M x