Hi All,
Firstly thank you for reading this (if you do!)
I am 31 years old and for the last month or so I noticed that my left breast was increasing in size (and I felt like a density in the outside of it,) it is now a whole cup size bigger than my right (which used to be the bigger). Along with this I have pain/tenderness from my nipple that goes into my armpit and is tender tender to touch. In addition to this my left nipple is all scaly dry skin. (i’m sorry for so much detail)
Anyway point is I went to the Dr 2 weeks ago and have been referred to the breast unit, my appt is tomorrow, I haven’t told ANYONE as my sister gets married next week and my husband is doing training at the minute and I don’t want to worry anyone needlessly… but I am scared. Even more so as now I have tenderness under my right arm and into my right breast.
My GP said it is unlikely to be anything to worry about as I am still young to have BC but I can’t help worry both my mum (at 28) and sister (at 25)had CIN4 pre cancerous cervical cells and both had to have part of their cervix removed. Am I being over anxious or am I being normal… (and now i’m ranting… sorry!!!)
Hello Mrskro
Welcome to the forums. You’ve come to the right place for support as many of the users of this site have a wealth of information and experience between them.
While you are waiting for replies you may want to give our free helpline a ring on 0808 800 6000 and have a confidential chat with one of the breast care nurses who are here to support you, lines are open to Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 – 2.00.
Best wishes
June, moderator
Hi Mrskro,
SOrry to see you on here. But going to your GP was totally the right thing to do. At least the you can get all checked out and know one way or the other. I will keep everything crossed that it is nothing serious for you.
Just so you know at the breast unit i went to they gave me a mammogram and an ultrasound. As they didnt like the look of my lump they gave me a core biopsy there and then.
If i am completely honest i wish i had taken someone with me as i went alone. But i was fine with the procedures.
Unfortunately mine came back as cancer (i’m 36).
It is normal to be anxious as its the unknown and the waiting that worst. If you have any questions at all, or want to vent am happy to lend an ear.
Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Please let me know how it goes.
Hello Mrskro
If you are unable to take a family member what about a good friend. In the breast unit (Norwich) I went to they sent of a slide of discharge from the nipple, then sent me to have a mammogram, which showed no lumps, then I had an ultrasound which showed irregularities(spl?) from which they took core biopsies.
I was glad I had hubby with me as I didn’t really take in all the information initally,
Mine unfortunately came back as cancer and I have gone on to have a mastectomy, lymph nodes removed am now having chemo to be followed by radiotherapy I’m 44.Hugs for tomorrow
Thanks for the replies, it kind of helps.
Unfortunately I have just moved to a new area and don’t really know anyone well enough to ask them to go to this kind of appointment. As I said before I don’t want to worry my husband or family needlessly and I thought I was fine with it right up until today when it hit me, I’m going to have tests for Breast Cancer…
So instead of telling anyone, I’m cuddled up on the sofa with my 4 yr old Princess hoping that I’m told I’m imagining things!!
9 out of 10 referrals to the breast clinic are NOT cancer. Hold that thought. Asking on this forum will always give skewed responses as we’re not a standard cross-section.
I went to my appointments on my own and preferred that. Bring a pen and notebook with you.Or even record meetings with docs on your phone.
Good luck and I hope there’s good news. please don’t be too upset if you have to wait another week, not all clinics give results the same day so you mine was a week. A very LONG week…