Golfers's elbow

Pain in the elbow.


Its such a bad time waiting for tests and relults. The uncertainty of what exactly is wrong and what the treatment will be can drive you crazy. And people notice every new pain and change to their body. We get little aches and pains all the time, but when you are newly diagnosed with cancer then every twinge is a worry that it is spreading.

I found that although I had no breast pain, I was holding myself slightly different. I must have been subconciously aware that there was a cancer in that breast and I ended up with a sore neck and shoulder.


When i am in bed i notice pain in my top arms but when i up moving its goes?


probably tension. But if you are going to oncologyst this week, write down all the pains you have and ask them.

You should have been given a breast nurse by now, do you know her number. I have rung mine with a couple of silly questions about my scar and about excercises, they are probably good for you because they will look up your file to get familiar with your case and be able to give you good answers.

if you have not been given one that is another question to ask your oncology team this week.

if you are taking someone with you its a good idea for you both to have a list of your questions and they can tick them off as they are answered and remind you if you have forgotten anything