Hello everyone on Femara. After saying in past posts that Ive had very few problems with it,I started it after mx in mid May and 5-6 weeks ago,my good boob started feeling very tender,no visual changes but too sore to sleep on that side and odd sensations under my arm also. Got my appt.with surgeon brought forward,he gave me a thorough manual exam and said he couldn
t feel anything wrong,I asked for a
mammogram but he said it was detrimental to my health and that I could have one in November,1st anniversary of dx. He said he didnt know why it was sore,He said if it was still sore when I see the Onc on Sept.3rd to tell him. I had a chat with the nurse on the help line and she
s sure its Femara causing it,anyone got similar problem? Ive got 17 days to wait for this appt,is it worth going to G.P.? Any suggestions? Cheerio, love mags, BTW I
m 57,so not connected to periods.
Hi Woody24
I had my mastectomy in 2006. I was on Tamoxifen for 2.5 years have now changed to Aromisin. I have from time to time soreness and tenderness in my good boob. I have had it checked out and had my latest mammogram in April this year. It was fine. The soreness comes and goes and I think when it happens my imagination tends to go into overdrive. I am nearly 63 so it is definitely not connected to periods! I know the appointment seems ages away and if it would ease your mind, it would not do any harm to pay a visit to your GP.
Love and take care
Hello miss Thistle, many thanks to you and mrs.Blue for your very encouraging comments,You are both 100% right of course,but I couldnt stop worrying and did go to G.P.,it was the best thing to do. He
s new to the practice and spent 20 minutes with me,he said I was suffering from extreme anxiety but he didnt minimalise how I was feeling. Today has been my best day since before being ill,can
t wait for it to go dark so I can jump over the moon!
Cheerio and good luck to you both,love Mags x