Just a quick note to say i hope everyone has a nice day today … i will as im off to work after having been off since june for school holidays (colleges close earlier than schools)… and no kids in sight yipeeeeee (noone under 16).
I do really love them but it will be so nice for a break and be an adult speaking to other adults for a change plus a day without cbeebies.
Hope you had a good day at work today and enjoyed your child free zone. What I would give for one of them some days!! Must be bliss. As much as love my babies, my 3 year old is driving me nuts, as got no patience with her right now.
Louby and Jan - hope you are both good today.
I am having a slightly better day today, been very emotional and down the last 2 days, and crying bucket loads. Must be going through another emotional patch. My hair seems to be starting to shed too, as having lots of strands coming out … am def. not ready for this emotionally … more tears to come I am sure. Sorry for that little rant, am feeling very sorry for myself right now.
Find that I am beginning to get to know you all but have such a muddled brain, menopause and arimidex, plus demanding family and completely exhaustive mother (I do still love her though), could you both as well as Claire, give a little info about yourselves and your “condition”. It just saves keep repeating things, likewise if you would like to know anything about me and mine just ask.
Where abouts in the country are you all, you keep making me so envious re the sunshine, down here in Romford, Essex, it is very overcast, windy and showers. Have to wear cardigan and jacket when we go out. Not much fun at all.
Well about me, I am 39 with a 3 1/2 year old daughter and a 9 month old little boy. Was diagnosed on 16 July with bc, then had to have MRI scan, CT scan and Bone scan and 10 days later given the double whammy of being told had already spread to my liver. No surgery now as far as I know, and started chemo on 8 August and 2nd session due next Wednesday. Had no side effects from chemo but think my hair is just starting to shed its load so to speak. And I live very close to you in fact - I am in Chafford Hundred, near Lakeside.
Let me know about “your condition” too, as I get muddle up very easy right now, chemo brain has set in!! Plus the mummy brain which never recovered.
Yes I know Lakeside quite well, very good for the “retail therapy” as I keep telling hubby. I first noticed a small blister type lump May 2004, Eurovision Song Contest night, so can’t watch it now without horrible feelings. The usual round of tests and appointments, but by far the worst, even more so than the surgery was the core biopsy - 13 needles punched into my poor left booby was no joke! Anyway the cancer wasn’t even anywhere near the funny blister thing which just disappeared. E+, very small and grade 1. If it hadn’t been for the blister I would never have known. Had WLE, radiotherapy then put on zoladex injections with tamoxifen. Couldn’t have chemo as we have a very physically disabled 20 year old son so Consultant said there was no way that I could carry on looking after him for 6 months so suggested the Zoladex, he said it would only make a difference of 1% so recommended this. Was absolutely fine, sailed all through this until stopped the Zoladex. After a couple of months my ovaries started working, no periods returning but the side effects of the tamoxifen took over. I have never felt so ill in all my life (I am now 50). Christmas, New Year and my 50th birthday was totally wiped out. It was as much as I could do to get out of bed to care for my son. Apparently the Zoladex is so much stronger than the tamoxifen that it masked any side effects. Anyway, after this great long essay I ended up having my ovaries removed and started on the Arimidex. Best thing I ever did, why on earth the Consultant didn’t recommend this right at the outset I will never know. Just playing the waiting game now for my third annual mammo. If I am honest, the BC thing has hit moreso the last few months than it ever did for the first two years.
What type of BC do you have, did you have to have a core biopsy too? I seem to think that you are being treated at Southend - is that right? Why not at Queens in Romford, it may be a little nearer!
Got no idea what BC I have, how large or what grade, was not told at the diagnosis, didn’t think to ask as never really knew anything about cancer before all this and now to afraid to ask in case the worst grade and very big - chicken I know. Had a core biopsy on 16 July when told was bc, same afternoon - all at Basildon, which is why probably at Southend. And due to spread to liver why straight onto chemo.
Great news that you caught yours really early, not sure how early I caught mine, found a lump in June and doc thought was fibrous tissues, but luckily decided to send me for mammogram to be sure!
Although read an old archive today on secondaries, saying should get a second opinion from liver consultant as to why not have surgery to remove spots on liver, as if less than 5cm can be cut out and if no other spread. So think might investigate that one. If anyone else knows anything about this subject please let me know.
Well what a wonderful day iv had without my kids. Problem is i forgot how exhausting working all day can be lo… now sore legs from standing all day and a banging head ache lol.
Jan… I have 3 boys… thomas 12, ben 4 and adam 3, there is 12 months between the 2 little ones. I had some bloody discharge from nipple. Had a mamo and didnt show anything, went back in to see surgeon and thought she was just going to sign me off from them… not the case, she said she thinks i might have c contained in the milk ducts and is very worried about it so im off for my op next thursday to get them removed. I think iv started on the rollercoaster, crying, laughing screaming and feeling down and cant sleep… about an other 2 1/2 hrs last night again.
Awww Dawn hunny how are you?? It makes me worry when people are so upset as if your anything like me you dont like people to see you cry and do it all alone… and then you start to feel very lonely. You come and find us on here if your feeling so low as we are here to listen to your worries and then cheer you up when ur ready.
Sod the diet tonight as im off to the chippy as i think iv done enough work today lol
Am feeling quite liberated at the moment. Is this how a lot of you feel: able to come on here and be yourselves and not have to pretend to feel something your not. The times I have closed my front door and sat on the floor and cried but in front of everyone I must put a big happy smiley face on and say everything is fine. So I can appreciate all that you have said, its nice in a horrible way that a lot of you feel the same, its reassuring that I am not bonkers and loosing my marbles - not that I had many to start with lol.
Wishing everyone a nice Bank Holiday weekend and to enjoy yourselves. What plans have you all got!
We are finishing off the last little bits of our extension in readiness for the new carpets to be laid next week. Everything is now wheelchair friendly with better access for our son. A through floor lift has been installed so he can get upstairs and he has new hoisting equipment to aid us with his toileting and bathing. We are having spaghetti bolognese and treating ourselves to a bottle of Champagne tonight and then friends are coming over tomorrow night for Chinese and to play silly games - Articulate and Scattergories in particular.
I don’t know why but suddenly have “happy” tears - another emotional moment.
Do you think that the happy tears are because you have found new FRIENDS that you can be yourself with??
Its funny cos even tho iv never met any of you, i feel quite close to you all, feel sad when your sad and laugh when you all laugh. Do you have break time away from your son or do you look after him 24/7 on your own? MY friend looks after her older brother but they come round and pick him up a few days a week for a few hours and she gets a break.
I like spag bols but colin dont so we dont have it that much plus the kids are messy eaters and it ends up hanging from the roof!!! lol. We ended up with Chinese tonight and im stuffed full.
Hope the finishing touches go well in your house and your pleased with the results.
Hi ladies, hope everyone is as well as can be. Had my lumpectomy yesterday morning will get the results in 10 days or so, trying not to worry, met a lot of nice ladies during my hosp. stay and the nurses and docs were all marvelous. so its back to the waiting game for me. best wishes to all.
Hi everyone. Know what its like to be in the waiting game. I had the pre-op yesterday and that really brought it home. Didn’t like the leaflet about the anaesthetic either. Didn’t exactly find it reassuring. Oh well, what will be, will be!!
Well, doing OK again, just spent the day at Southend with my 3 yr old, her best friend and our 9 month old. Had great fun, but was me that had to go on the bigger rides with them, as OH a bit of a coward with rides … great fun was had and did the baby swap at the exit, so didn’t have to queue up twice with the 3 yr olds. What a gorgeous sunny day it has been.
On a more personal note, and a little bit upsetting, hair starting to malt big time, and to be more personal … so are my pubes. Oh my god. Not sure how well will cope, but so far so good and no tears, although not sure how long will hold out!!
Claire you hit the nail on the head, don’t like to cry in public with my friends and even indoors at friends try to keep it all inside, although Thurs morning, failed miserably on the phone and in person. Ah well, that was my bad day in about 2 weeks, so can’t be doing too bad.
Got rid of Grandad for 10 days, as been here for over 3 weeks and started to really do my head in, as although here to help, cooking side been fab, but helping with the kids - not really done too much as always on the computer!!! Think we all need a rest from each other … so gonna chill out with OH after got the muppets to bed by 7.30 and then have chinese. Reckon we will all sleep well tonight with all that sea air.
Hope everyone else is OK today … and enjoying the lovely weather.