Good news ... on balance?

For the people whom I have started to get to know a little in my brief involvement in the forums.

We got the pathology results back from my wife’s mastectomy and ANC today. The cancer is aggressive (grade 3 IDC), but there were wide, clear margins, only 2 lymph nodes involved, no vascular invasion and strongly Er and HER2 positive.

We think this is really good news, so today was a good day.

hi, its quiet on here!
Ive simalar but different diagnosis from your wife, i had 1.8 cm idc tumour, but with poor margins, and no whetre to go as chest wall, no nodes, but er pos, pr pos and her2 pos!
had martial mastectomy, chemo, rads, herceptin, tamox, oophrectomy, femara, now aromasin due to distrution probs with former, but 2yrs 9 months from dx aged 41 im ok!

Im divorced, was in a destructive relationship at dx…whilst wearing a wig met a wonderful man…now have 5 kids and looking for a bigger house!!

You sound as caring as myles, obviosly shocked at me being bald, but took the risk

there are decent men , like you out there,

All thre very best for you both,


Hi there

I found it was good to get this point and you know where you stand with everything and what your treatment is going to be. The waiting part is awful.
I’m really sorry but can’t remember if it was you whose wife was very distraught about it all and had pains in her arm? Apologies if I have this mixed up.
Either way I hope that both of you are feeling a bit less anxious about everything. I found that I still have good days and bad days but I’m not so hard on myself about it all now. It’s a real roller coaster for the emotions all of this.
Elinda x

Thank you Elinda and Jill.

Yes, it really was good news for us. We already knew about tumours in the two lymph nodes as they were picked up on the ultrasound and biopsies, so it was such a relief that it wasn’t more! The oncologist on Monday seemed horrified that we were pleased about the 2 nodes, until I explained to him where we were starting from! The margin was 1.7cm, so it looks like she will not need radiotherapy.

Janet is fantastic in the way she is handling it all. She makes it so easy for me to support her. With the adjuvant treeatment, the calculated prognosis is really quite good at this point, so that is very positive.

Jill, Myles sounds great, but if he feels anything like I do, then he probably can’t help it because he is so much in love. (Sorry for being soppy.) I’m so glad you found happiness after what must have been a horrific time.

Elinda, I think you are confusing me with someone else, but don’t worry. It seems so rare to find partners posting in here.

I hope everything goes well for you both in the future.

Sorry Jansman, I thought I might have got you mixed up with someone else.
I’m lucky that my husband is very supportive too and all I can say is that is makes such a difference. With everything else there is to go through having that support is wonderful - I consider myself very lucky in that respect.
It is a shame more partners don’t post as they might find it helpful.

all good wishes to you and your wife
Elinda x