good news

Hi i post on here very rarely these days but just wanted to hopefully give you guys a bit of a pick me up. I was diagnosed feb 04 yep just reached my 5 years with grade 3, 6 nodes involved i had double mastectomy ovaries removed at 38 (now 41) chemo etc and double reconstruction. I am well no sign of the flippen bc enjoying single life now and it does become a somewhat distant memory most of the time, which is something that at your stage is hard to imagine. Hope that helps you guys out there and take care x

Thanks Blonde000. It’s reassuring to hear stories like that, when you’re still having treatment.

lovely positive post…going to the gym with a smile on my face now :slight_smile:

Best wishes blonde x

Thanks, Blondie - nice to get a postcard from someone who got a home run (OK, been watching too many episodes of Colditz!)

Hey Blonde000,

We like to hear good news around here…keep up the good work,…. you have been through it! Speaking about a pick me up, that’s way better than a dry martini (LOL)


Well done Blondie,
I always say I wont wish my life away but I cant wait to be in the same situation as you!!!
At the moment life isnt good but you really cheered me up and gave me light at the end of the tunnel xx