Good news

Hi all,

I don’t often contribute but read loads of your threads which are fascinating and informative. I know there has been a lot of not very good news on the secondary threads this year but I’ve had some relatively good news today and thought I’d share it so I hope you don’t mind.

I was originally diagnosed in July 07 with secondaries in bones as well at same time. Even with treatment my chances of making 5 yrs were only 20% and the likelihood of recurrence is 90% in 5 yrs but hey they’re only statistics ! Had chemo, mx, full anc, rads, then tamoxifen, now zoladex, arimidex and zometa (my current cocktail) with a drop of prozac to help me cope with the hormone treatment side effects. I’m due back to see onc in Dec with a bone scan beforehand to see how things are but today I was at the surgeon’s for a 6 month checkup and having found a skin rash near my scar and a tiny, tiny lump in my other breast I was a little worried.

However, all is well and there are no problems so it’s back in 6 months to see him, the drugs appear to be working and he said he’s never seen me looking better !!! I came out a very happy bunny.

Thinking of all of you who are struggling at the mo.


Liz, what a lovely, positive post. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. Long may you continue being a happy little bunny : )

Shenagh xx

Always delighted to read Good News on this forum. Enjoy.


Fabulous News Liz… It’s always great to feel the warmth of someone’s good news, Long may it continue…

Fiona xx

Great news Liz…I was diagnosed like you with stage 4 from the very beginning in 2003. I’m feeling very well. Let’s keep confusing those stats.
Take Care…x

Thanks girls for your lovely,warm replies !!!

Liz x

Yaaaaaahey - great stuff. I’ve got it in my bones too - no idea what my stats are (how do you all find out these things, - espcially if like me, you are on herceptin which has only really been out a short time).

Any way fab news and thanks for telling us.

Celeste - I found out my stats from my bcn who used adjuvant online. I knew my figures were rubbish before I asked but I was applying for retirement from work at age 44 and thought they would help my case which was a very, very long shot but was granted first time without appeal. HR and union were gobsmacked as I was 20 yrs off normal company retirement. This was 18 months down the line and after a failed attempt to go back to work - I didn’t want to know during treatment!!! And I worked on the principle that someone has to be in the survivor statistics…


Hi Liz

It is always lovely to read good news from people. I am so pleased that everything is working well for you and long may it continue.


Great news Liz - long may it continue.

Nicky x

Well done :slight_smile: nice to hear good news :slight_smile: xx

Good for you!