good news!

hi guys

went to hospital yesterday for the dreaded second tax psyched myself up for it the lot then…

my onc decided due to the reaction i had with first tax it is to dangerous to continiue with it , so have put me back on fec i’ve already had 6 chemos now so i only have one more on the 3rd nov and im done , yahoo!!!

was a bit worried as tax is suposed to increase the percentage of it not coming back but onc says its minimal and im responding really well to fec and they dont wanna kill me off ,lol, charming!

got an appointment to see surgeon on 26 this month to arrange op date and if they feel they can operate now may not need last chemo as ive had 6 in total now.

im so relieved im coming to the end !

i know op ect wont be pleasent but surley cant be as bad as chemo , they are still hoping to do lumpectomy and total node clearence.

by way my bloods were the highest they have ever been since starting chemo …so mahuka honey i totally recomend it !!!

hope you are all ok



Hi nikki, I can understand how relieved you must be, I had allergic reaction to fec and was swapped to tax and then had allergic reaction to tax as well. So I was short on both regimes as the onc would not continue with further Chemo. The risk of the allergies was higher than the benefit gained! Hope all goes well with your op! X

thanx tina

how far along on the treatment road are you now if you dont mind me asking?


Hi Nikki, finished active treatment in July, tamoxifen and waiting for further surgery on reconstruction next month. X


did you have to have rads ? they havnt said wether i have to tamoxifen.

did you have masetectomy ?


Yes, had radical mx due to multifocal ILC, but nodes clear, no rads required. ER+HER-.