Diagnosed October 2004 ,aged 40 ,had lumpectomy and radiotherapy, then on tamoxifen for 5 years. Hormone levels showed I was post menopausal, even though I was still having periods, so I was switched to Arimidex and Zoladex in 2009. It was after this I started to have aching joints, had a dexa scan last year and it showed I had osteopaenia, even though for the past 5 years I have done the Edinburgh Moonwalk[6th one is on June 11th]. So I had to take alendronic acid which has really had a bad side effect on my stomach, nausea, excess acid. Contacted the bcn and today my case was discussed at the Friday meeting and it was decided that I could come off all my medication a few months early. 2 years ago I didn’t feel ready to finish taking my meds , I saw it as a safety blanket but today I am 99% comfortable about it, just shared a bottle of champagne to celebrate with my parents. Have been here before and realise it could come back again ( had leukaemia when I was 16 ) but I am going to enjoy life, you are only here once after all !!
Hi Gillsy, hope you enjoyed the champers! Very inspirational and well done, you seem to have gone through an awful lot. I can actually see you smiling and it is great to hear stories like yours. Thanks for posting as it gives us all hope. Have a lovely weekend you deserve it:) Adi x
congratulations what wonderful news and may you celebrate for long to come.xx