Good news

Hi all. Just wanted you to know I got my final pathogy result from mastectomy. Change from high grade to immediate. No invasive cancer. No further treatment, just regular check ups. The relief is unbelievable. Wanted to thank all the lovely ladies that have help me through this last 3 months. I want to wish the lovely ladies who I’ve spoken to the best of luck for there ops in the new year.I can finally think about christmas. Love and good health to you all emma xxxxx

Hi Emma, I’ve been following your progress over the last couple of months. Soooooo pleased for you, It’s such a relief for you and your family. I had a mastectomy and immediate reconstruction but had no treatment after as the cancer hadn’t reached the lymph glands. I’m still recovering and they tell me it will be a year to 18 months before I feel my old self again, but I can live with that. At least I’m here to tell the tale.
Have a wonderful Christmas Emma, and a healthy and prosperous New Year to you.
Big hugs from Kathy xx

Hi Emma. Excellent news, hopefully I will follow in your footsteps 11th January
I am so pleased for you. Enjoy Christmas. Xxxx

Thrilled for you Emma! Now go and have the best Christmas EVER x x x

Hi Emma,
i am so happy for you! That s just excellent news.
Have a great Christmas - celebrate in style :slight_smile: