good news....

we had the the best and most unexpected news yesterday…went for my 6 monthly check…oncologist has now discharged me…stop all hormone medication in August…gone to 3 yearly mammograms and only one surgical appointment in January to go…it has been a long 5 and a half year slog…that i could not have got through without the support of my partner, my family and friends and for that i thank each and everyone of them from the bottom of my heart …and for those people who are on this journey there is hope xxxx

Oh I love good news like this, congratulations! Heres to a long and happy life for you beyond bloody breast cancer! Thank you for sharing and giving hope to us all xx

Hi Debbie,that’s brilliant.Go and enjoy the rest of your life with your wonderful family and don’t look back.Thanks for sharing and giving hope to those of us at the beginning of our journey. Take care meggy x

Here here! I felt I had to respond as the same thing happened to me. I saw and was discharged by my oncologist yesterday and it is also five and a half years since diagnosis. I send you a virtual high five! x

Great news Debbie,hope the champagne corks are popping!I still have 2 and a half years to go and its great to see posts like this,
All the best,


Congratulations to all of you. Dib, not long to go now for you and you will be popping thos champagne corks too :wink:

I’m just at the start of my journey, WLE & SNB just recently, results tomorrow - I’ve got a long journey ahead but with inspirational stories like this…I keep the faith.

Enjoy a long and healthy life
Martha xx

One year ago today I had my last rads. Hopefully, 4 years from now I’ll be posting something silmilar to yours. Thanks for sharing, it gives us all something to cling to in our darker moments! Enjoy your ‘freedom’. :slight_smile: x

Wonderful news! Look forward to posting the same in 4 years!

Fabby dabby dozy … Oh I so love posts like this , well done go & enjoy your life big hugs x

thankyou ladies…this site was a great help to me in the earlier days…Lornadonna congratulations to you too…and ladies it will be you soon xxxx

Fantastic news - congratulations!!

thanks xx