Good News

Well finally got all my results offically. They have decided that bone scan is of no concern (healing fracture). I have a polyp which is inactive so nothing sinister but is causing me to have a period. So next step is what to do with the polyp and hopefully go back on the tamoxifen. So that makes my liver clear and bones clear which I hope means I am NED and I just carry on with my Herceptin and Pertuzumab.Feeling relieved now I have all the results back officially.xx

Well that is VERY Good News! So pleased for you Ellie. X

hi luv not been on for a while pleased to hear that your scan was clear and you are the same as me on Herceptin and pertuzumab which at present are working for me at last scan deposits in my spine had slightly reduced so all good xxx

Yippee,Angela, that’s fantastic news.
Sending you huge ,massive ,hugs,Helen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Absolutely fantastic news Elliedog!! Hope you stay NED for a long long long time. Love Sheila. Xx

Really pleased for you elliedog. We love good news. It inspires us all. Take care xxx

That’s really good news! Hope NED stays with you for many years.


Tournesol x