Good news!

Just been for 2nd chemo…My Onc just rung me in car coming home. Great news he said my tumour mmarkes were back and have dropped remarkably from 101 last time to 60 this week after just 1 dose of chemo. Hes pleased. 60 is less now than it was in july when i started! Glass of baileys tonight! xxx

Yippee Bev, that’s fantastic xxxxxxx

Great news Bev, and how kind of your onc to share it with you so quickly.




Fab news

Oh brilliant, Bev! I’m so glad for you! You can join Helen on cloud 9! Excellent. I also hope the lower dose is much kinder on you than the last full dose that you suffered through! Cyber hugs, Barton.x

Wow Bev, what great news. Now celebrate!
LD x

Thats fantastic Bev…make it a large glass of Baileys!!
Hugs Janette x x
ps don’t forget the ice :slight_smile: Baileys isnt the same without it x x

Will definitely be having a large one and yes…most definitely with ice! Thank you ladies! xxxxx

Fantastic news Bev, so pleased for you! X

Bev - that’s wonderful news. Thanks for sharing it. I won’t join you in a glass of Bailey’s as alcohol has the same effect on me as FEC chemo - the dreaded vomiting!




Bev that’s fantastic news so pleased for you,hope the second dose is better for you
Kaye xxx

Thats fantastic news Bev…so pleased for you!!

Great news Bev, brilliant brilliant brilliant!! You relax now and enjoy a fabulous Christmas with friends and family xx

Thanks for all your lovely comments ladies… so much support here.
Its early morning roll call…and I’m pleased to say I’m certainly not feeling the ghastly side effects i had 3 weeks ago on my first cycle of docetaxol!
Some slight bone pain in back again from the neulasta but a few cocodamol sorts that out. At least i can get out of bed and get around this time.
So a happy monday to you all. Keep warm. .temperatures are dropping today.
Helen…chocolates…we have to get those other hubbys to keep us warm hehe!
Love and hugz. Bev xxxx