Good news

Dear ladies
I just want to share with you good news I received today at my post op meeting. They’ve got it all out with good clear margin, no lymph nodes involved. It turns out there was not one but two lumps but very small and close to each other. All the biopsy results have been confirmed so no more surprises. :relaxed:
Also I would like to say a massive thank you to all of you my bc friends for being the best support I could wish for.



Oh that is fabulous news, well done and I am so happy for you.


Are you having any other treatment?  Rads/hormone therapy


Helena xxx

Thank you Helena
I had a jolly good cry when I heard the results but couldnt help myself and still bit wimpy now but happy. Yes 15 x radio to come and Tamoxifen.

That’s fab Naza! The worst bit is out of the way now 

ann x

That’s great news.xx

So pleased for you. Thank you for sharing your news. X


Excellent news, Naza!!! So happy for you xx

Hi Naza


Great to hear your news xx

Naza I am thrilled for you about time we heard good news xxxxx

Brilliant news!