Hi everyone. Wanted to share my good news. Received MRI results to the liver yesterday and there is no cancer to be seen in the liver.As what they found in the liver was found by accident I could be one of the lucky ones where chemo has dealt with the cancer which the onc said they suspect does happen because not everyone is scanned and their cancer does stay away for a long time. However they did find it so for now I am staying on the Herceptin , Pertuzumab and Tamaxofen. He was so so positive telling me about “his ladies” that have been on Herceptin since the trials in 2001 and his numerous ladies that have been on it since 2003 when it was liecenced.He feels that I am in a good position that if anything does show up again they can deal with it before I have any symptoms but at the moment he doesn’t feel we will be going down that road for a long time if ever (although there are no guarantees in this game).I am so grateful to have such a positive onc.
Sorry I have gone on but felt I needed to share my news with the ladies that give me such great support.
Hoorah for you! Its so ambiguous when initially given a secondary diagnosis, lots of peole have inspiring, real life evidence based experience of secondary success stories but its really hard to believe and trust the positives sometimes. A good scan result/a reduction in progression is your own real life success!
And something to build on.:smileyhappy:
I have followed a few of your posts as i too did docetaxol with perjeta and herceptin and am now on ongoing maintenance treatment of the latter 2. recently got a portacath instead of the dangly groshong line and am getting used to my permanent ongoing outpatient appts…kinda weird to think how long i might know those chemo staff for! Bring on the subcut herceptin!
Hi it’s a long time since I’ve been on the forum had my last docetaxol on the 15 th Nov also on herceptin and perjeta I have breast cancer and bone mets I’ve worked all the way through treatment and have not been to bad usual tiredness and rubbish taste halfway scan was good will get final results in January will carry on with herceptin and pejeta xxxxx
Suzanne, I have just finished my third dose of taxotere yesterday, I have Mets in my liver, lungs and bones. I get my scan to see if it’s working at the beginning of Dec, the worst side effect I’ve had has been the pains in my legs. I got strong pain kilers yesterday so hoefully they’ll do the trick
So good to hear of the positive stories re Herceptin. I had Herceptin for the primary, which finished now nearly a year ago. I would be interested to know if you ladies that get Herceptin and Perjeta together, if this is on the NHS??